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Why do I feel this way???

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My bf broke up with me almost 3 weeks ago and I haven't been coping with it very well. I keep thinking about how he's the best that I'll ever be able to get and that I won't be able to find someone else that will be as good as him . . . anyone ever felt this way after a breakup? I'm just scared that I'll never be able to find another replacement to help me get over him . . . *sigh*

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I have felt that way for an entire year, and the guy was a total jerk who cheated on me and never made me feel good. Then over a year later I met someone else and he is awesome. There is definitely hope, it will just take time, work on yourself and don't even think about future relationships just think about how to be happy on your own.

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This is absolutely a normal feeling but it will fade. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but I assure you it will fade. Keep a constant tab on your emotions and remind yourself that you are a good person who deserves someone good for yourself. I believe as long as you cancel out the negative each time it comes up, you will get stronger. Hang in there and keep posting for support.

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