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sex toys for under age girls...

oh yeah

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Well honey...

I'm quite surprised, I used to work at the Stag Shop and I never checked anyones ID...nor have I ever been in an Adult store and they have asked me for ID, however if you're not willing to try out of fear of possible embarrassment (getting caught...I really dont think this will happen though) I would definitely recommend a hand massager...they're cheap and very available and trust me, they get the job done!

Good luck

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agent-I hope you're not speaking from experience! Lol


Be creative....heck, just those seat massage chair things work for me (if you sit on it just right) on days when Im feeling particularly...erm, randy!


As mentioned before, there are an infinite number of things that can get the job done. Ah, the joys of being female!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this sounds like a geek fantasy, but maybe a video game controler that you just don't let other people use. I know it sounds weird but I know a girl that does it, she says that dual shock 2 controlers and the smaller Xbox ones are particularly fun, after all, they do vibrate at your will in the options menu.


Best of luck, and where is this store that doesn't check ID?(Just curious ^_^)

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