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Nc Log....!!!!!!!! Keeping Upbeat

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NC SINCE SUNDAY AFTERNOON SINCE I TOLD HER i love you enough to let you go to figure yourself out no matter how much it hurts......havent heard a peep from her.....i have my days but its day 4 or is it 5? guys feel free to post your progress here too!



i do miss her but i guess i feel empty after two years

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Close to 2 months NC after 5 years and she could care less as far as I can tell. I cannot even cope. It's killing me. No beer, antidepressants or running away make me forget. I think about her everyday. I wish she would only realize. She never will and I just had to dissappear from her life in order for her to maybe miss me. Hurts to think she could care less. I could never be that cold. Good luck man. Stay strong.

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Keep it up. In moments of weakness, keep it up. I wish I could have done that 3 months ago. I think I have ruined any chance of getting back together with her at this point...


Instinct and the heart makes you want to fight for the one you love, but strength is what pulls you through...


Good luck.

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i feel the same way, frozen. i cant sleep for sh*t, i cant eat, and i cant stop crying. i know my ex bf is contacting other people to hang out with. he's pushed me out of his life so he can network with other people. i hate him right now. not only did he string me along for the past few months, he broke up with me over the phone. i swear to god if i see him in the streets i will break his legs...im kidding, but i can pretend to. hehe.

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6 weeks of NC here. Felt great last week but this week another story. I usually have a glass of red wine to help me sleep. Actually, one glass a day is recommended. Ex left me for someone else and lied about his reasons for dumping me. I can't wait for karma to bite him in the butt. He had it really good with me and left me for the excitement of a younger woman in another state. Can't wait for the excitement to die and reality to sink in. I won't be there to pick up the pieces.

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After a few false starts, I finally did NC on the 9th with my ex. (He broke up with me about three weeks ago.) We mostly emailed and I ran into him once. (We both work at the same place -- I work at a large University and he works in a different department.)


While I miss him terribly, it helps. I know it's over. Up until last weekend, I had fantasies he'd come by and tell me this was some horrible mistake and could we try again. On the otherhand, I don't know if I would have said yes, because I was hurt so badly.


Every day the pain fades a little. And I'm reminded daily I had a life before him, because I have other things to keep me busy. (Being 40 and having been married and having a slice of life to look back to, helps.)


My friends have been great and very supportive. I'd like to be friends with my ex, but I've decided to do NC for six months and see how I feel. He's a good guy, a wonderful lover and a great friend and I miss him so much...

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Can't sleep can't eat and all those other unpleasant things. I lost weight and have meds now to sleep. So maybe not such a bad thing. Wine is a good idea and a good book will make you tired. Try Tylenol PM or Advil PM they work. Time will help but won't cure all and it won't heal you completely. If you really love/loved the other person you always no matter what anyone says WILL. That feeling will never go away.


You will also go through the 4 stages back and forth and I seem to keep getting stuck @ anger. I really never have been this bad and I have been married twice and it didn't hurt like this when they ended. Oh well Life goes on right. Just learn to deal in whatever positive way you can. It is not easy but is anything?

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day 5 nothing except an invite from her brother for dinner which him and i were friends before...i dont like that though becaus ei feel she knows how i am doing through him......i guess at this point i am asking myself


do i call her and say " obviously this is over as you havent contatced me and i cant be in limbo"


most of my friends say move on dont bother calling her if she isnt calling you theres your answer


my problem is that i told i loved her enough to let her go to straighten her issues whatever they may be i.e. her feeling numb etc... and we agreed to let go completey such as no talking or seeing eachother....civil per say with no really parameters and i mean any.....like its over move on dont move on etc.......

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day 6 and its scaring me i dont think this is going to work out....i know shes confused but now i am tinking she might have met someone who sparked her interest i guess these are normal thoughts?



i havnt done a thing..... i thought about changing her name in my phone to " dont answer"



i really miss her and i just wonder how shes feeling?

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Hang in there it will get better! I am currently starting week 6 of NC, and things are slowly getting better. Stick with it, it is the best thing for you.


I know how you feel, wondering what she is doing. I have heard my ex is now seeing three different guys. I have hit a point where thinking about her juggling three guys actually makes it easier on me! I am glad I am not #4!


I have to admit a part of me still hopes she will get her S*** together one day, and call me. I honestly don't think I could even consider getting back with her at this point.


Keep busy and do things for yourself. I have started working out over the five weeks of NC, and have found that it not only is getting me in shape, but has increased my appetite and made it easier to sleep. I was exactly where you were that first week, and trust me it will get better if you keep up the NC!

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Once you say you will let her go and give her space, then you should stick with it. I can't tell you how many times I have told my ex I would give her space over the past 2 months, and have gone back on it a million times.


She has no reason to believe me when I say that I will give it to her. This time I lasted 2 days. I called her earlier today and got the I'm busy...


If you have made it this far, I would keep it up... Good luck

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ive just woke from another dream where my g/f begs for me back im now on day 5 of NC which seems nothing Had a terrible day yesterday, feel a bit more upbeat today, staying away from myspace!!!


I still think i think in some part of my brain somewhere that she'll beg me back, It was a reliativly good breakup ending with a cuddle, but still cant stop my wind wandering all around. Im just keeping as busy as i can with work and friends and forcing myself outside...damn its hard!



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  • 2 weeks later...

well i am back doing nc again it has been since sat at 2 pm so this is day 5....you can read my update thread....she broke up with me in a harsh way and i have yet to hear from her.......i desperately want to call her but want to be strong because i feel that the way she treated me was unwarranted

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You must resist, its sooo hard i know it seriously is sooooo hard, every fibre in your body wants to pick up the phone and text or go onto MSN even if its just to see them online the same time as you.


Be strong, Im 100% sure that they key is to keep yourself busy, sometimes this may be hard if you work at home or all your friends work or are busy, but you must keep busy, go for a walk, go shopping, go ebaying, write a book, write some songs, learn to cook, learn the guitar!!!


busy busy busy busy!

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I know how u all feel 2 weeks ssnce we broke up was on the 15th i keep tryin hard not to get in touch fighting everything inside me only time i get a release from the desire to get in touch with her is while im at work no matter what i try to do go out walkin runnin riding my bike go to gym or the likes all i can do is think about her and how much i miss her.


this is the hardest thing ive beent hrough in my life. Lettin go of her. I lasted 5 days until about an hour or maybe 2 ago when i finally broke nc again. after 5 days i had started to feel a lil better tidy'd my room again *which i keep trashin when i get down hearted* my brain feels like its going into overload im shakin, borderline cryin tears there just dont wonna come out. DAMN IT this hurts so much

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Hi TommyT:


Its been more than 2 months for me and I'm still crazy at times..... sometimes I can get my mind off things for awhile... but it always comes back... ARGGGG...


I get that big apple in my throat, even at work and want to cry my face off, then when I'm alone I can't cry at all, don't understand myself......


I know how your feeling, hopefully time will help us both

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part that hurts me the most is when i see couples 2getha. makes me miss what i had. only 2 thigns that seem to help me stay distracted are listenin to Heavy metal. and work and right now at work i cant get the hours i want caues its dead labour bills to high no1 gets the hours they want. Next week is my xmas do where i met her a year ago and i dunno if i can face going.


As for the tears they just dont come ever. i havent cried in over a week because of her not since i last saw her. I know she still loves me and cares for me just the age between us 22 vs 18 makes alot more differance than you would think. totaly differant mind sets

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well i got through 1 day without doing it. so far so good. well until about 3 hours ago when i could finally hear the radio at work. every song reminded me of her. Now im possibly at the lowest point ive been in the last 3 weeks ghah my place of sanctuary just became a night mare

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