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I have lately been hanging out with my ex cause we are pretty good friends and its nothing more then friendship at least thats what I thought until one of her friends asked me if I still liked her cause she still likes me which was ok I guess but I have been with someone else not dating them but almost which still doesnt bother me because my ex is real cool about me likeing someone else but last night she asked me if I wanted to stay with her tonight cause her parents are gone for the weekend and I said no cause # 1 I feel uncomfortable staying at my exs house when I like someone else #2 I dont think the girl I am almost dating would appreciate it and even tho I would never do anything to hurt her but my question is do u think she is taking it to far by inviting me over while her parents arent home???? or am I just being paranoid that she is trying to like break me and her up or something

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Well to start off no your not being paranoyed and next i think you did the right thing not staying over because your feelings are torwards someone else..... and between her wanting you to come over for certain reasons theres probobly two things i can think of that she might of been telling you.


One she could of just wanted to hang out with you allittle more as friends and since her parents were gone she thought it would be ok for you to hang out and spend the night.


And two she coul of wanted you to come over and try to get somthing started between you two at her house. Now this is the one im thinkin she was trying to do because some girls are hesitant to let a friend which is a boy stay th night for no reason but to talk...



I hope this helped out

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I've heard people do far stranger things then what you are purposing. Have you ever spent the night before? Did you have a sexual relationship? How was she saying it (You know what she was implying). Chances are if you are asking this question you already know the answer.


You did the right thing by avoiding temptation. She might still like you, but if you don't respond she will get over it or end the friendship. If she is as cool as you say, why don't you talk to her about it?


Communication my friend. Right now you are coming to us and asking us to explain her actions. There is a lot of room for miscommunication and misunderstanding. Why not go to the source and see what she has to say for herself. You don't have to be blunt and put her in an awkward situation.


Be diplomatic and bring up the subject slyly if you feel she would respond negatively to your question. Is your friendship with her worth all this? If it is then go for it. Open the lines of communication, what is the worst that could happen? She gets all upset and stops talking to you? I doubt that will happen.


I hope I was able to give you some clarity. Good luck.

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