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she kissed him, now im heartbroken

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hey, at school today me and my friends where hangin out as usual,..then i see the girl i've liked for awhile now and her boyfriend holding hands, which didnt bother me that bad..but then when the bell rang to get to class they stopped in front of me and kissed, that really tore me up inside..i have been extremely pissed all day....i mean i know they are boyfriend and girlfriend an all but i mean if n-e of u have read my previous posts u know that i really, really like this girl. and we have been friends for awhile as well...i guess my question would be,..how do i get through this, i mean i still like her, i still badly want to go out with her....thanks for ur help

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ive been reading alot of questions just like your today. the thing is, I was in the same boat for quite a while, then when the time came i went out with her. now ive been telling people how. What you have to do is become her best friend. Get it so that she feels comfortable around you no matter what. Whenever her and her boyfriend have a fight, you will be the one she goes to. Then after you break up, be very supportive. Ask her out, and it is most likely that she will be sweapt into your arms after all youve done for her.

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what? thats obsurd. Dont be a creep to get what you want. You say you're already friends, then thats great. Support her. If they break up give it space. Dont take advantage of any vulnerability, thats just pitiful. I'm disgusted with whoever posted that reply. Its alright to let her know how you feel but dont mess up your friendship and if shes still with this guy dont expect anything in return. Chances are if she doesnt work out someone else will, dont ruin a perfectly good friendship though if you know the boyfriend is pretty likely to last a while.

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