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Um, no she should not get it for the whole month unless she was having a reaction to the hormones in that they were not enough to stop her bleeding. Sometimes you have breakthrough bleeding, but I have rarely heard of it for the whole month and not the first month as you should begin taking it at or near end of period anyway.


In the first month though you should not have sex without a condom as it will not yet be effective. It takes time to build up the hormones required to prevent ovulation and to ensure it is an effective pill for her.

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Hey there,


I have never heard of a woman having her period for an entire month. Are you sure? I have heard women on Depo Provera (it is a shot for birth control) having their periods for a while or a lot of spotting.


The pills "trick" the body into thinking it is pregnant (the hormones) and also changes the lining of a women's uterus, making it more tough and mucous like which makes it very difficult for an egg to attach to the uterus. The sugar or placibo pills have no hormones in them and that is when the woman's period comes. The Orthro Evra patch (which I use) works the same way expect I take my patch off for one week and I get my period.


What pill is she on? I would recommend you wearing condoms while her body adjusts to the pill. And not all pills are as effective for each woman. It depends on her body, hormone levels and so forth.


Good luck and be careful.

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Tell your girlfriend to visit her GYN again. When I first when on the pill when I was around 18, It took me a few different tries with a few different brands before I found one that worked for me. My side effects at first were pretty strange, but I dont think a month-long period sounds normal at all.

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