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Poll: who do you believe is the tougher individual?

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Which of these two choices do you think is a tougher individual?


Choice 1 - The sterotypical tough guy ( large build, jacked) who you woudn't want to mess with. But who also smokes, and uses alcohol and drugs on occasion, to deal with his problems. He barely shows emotion, moves from girl to girl, and is angry at the world.




Choice 2 - or the typical "nice guy". He is of average size, normal body build, and loving/respecting toward his mates. Choice 2 is able to resist peer pressure to drink and smoke as a teen, likes to be healthy, and is more family oriented. He's educated, and overall not a bad guy. He isn't overly sensitive but likes to charm girl's with his words and show's some of his emotions. He is able to deal with his emotions and control them



It seems to me that in today's society choice 1 is the better man and gets more respect. He often gets more female company and is the more desirable man. Choice 2 gets scolded and is seen as weak and a whimp by society.i personally think choice 2 is the tougher guy.-- just my opinion. whats your's?

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Where are you going with this?


I can tell you I've seen a few things, and a timid guy in fear for his life can scare the life out of anyone, and a bodybuilder with attitude can faint at the sight of a papercut on his finger.


I think your stereotypes are pretty lame. Men are much more complex that those two corny cartoons.

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I'm talking under the assumption that "morals" are an inherently good thing...but yes, I guess using the word "beliefs" isn't exactly right. I see it as...someone whose beliefs are repugnant has no morals. I guess to me the concept of "bad morals" doesn't really exist...it's the absense of morals that makes somebody bad. But maybe it's a matter of semantics here.

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I think it depends what context you're putting it in. Both the arrogant bad boy and the modest nice guy (which are two very big generalizations) as they are sometimes referred to can lack confidence altogether. Everyone isn't always tough. And sometimes "strength" isn't always a good thing. Sometimes humility is what wins people over, because those types of people are easier to deal with.


When it comes down to it, it doesn't come down to who they are, but rather, how they act in different cirumstances.

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I would choose guy #2, if he didn't have to try to charm girls with his words. So I guess I would choose NEITHER. Both of them seem really insecure.


I think a guy is way MORE attractive when he's just himself. He doesn't feel the need ti impress anybody just because he wants to portray a certain image about himself.

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