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AM I THE ONLY ONE SANE?! Friend thinks it's a right, not a priviledge?!

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Saturday I invited my close female friend to my invite only party, she said they might be having a girls night with two of her friends, so I invited her friends also, told them I could go pick them up if they didn't have a drive and she said she'd talk with them and call me back. She did and her friends wanted to come to my house. So I went to pick them up, went shopping and then we went to my place. Before other people came, she took my computer to chat. Later on that night we had lots of fun and yesterday I was checking my chat logs, I see this email adress I don't know, I click on the file it turns out to be her chat log, and in it she's saying how she doesn't want to be at my party and rather be there with that person and that she'd have more fun there than at my place?!?!?!!!! I don't have the rest of the log since I told her to change computers.


What the hell?! I invite her friends just so she can come, I go pick them up, have an awesome party (her friend said they really enjoyed it) but the girl I invited in first place, the one I thought was the closest does this?!


I messaged her about it yesterday, I told her she should've used the other computer from the beginning, she asked me why and I told her because the other computer does not log and that I saw some things I'd rather have not seen!!! She asked me why, was it bad, and I told her that I'm not pleased. She asked me what she said and I said that it's not important but to make sure she uses the other computer if she ever does again. She told me ok and told me she's sorry if she offended me but that she didn't write anything bad about us guys..


I tried to cut it short, just make my point to her but was that successfull? I told my friend about this and he said that I'm really calm compared to her(sorry, him) and he'd freak out and tell her to go ... herself..


I'd have really liked to tell her that she should've told me that and I'd have gladly paid for her taxi so she could leave.. But I didn't because I didn't want to prolongue the argument..


Am I over reacting? Thinking too much in to this? A friend of mine says I am but I think I am really offended because of her saying that after I invite her friends so she can be at my party and picking them up personally..

I'm really mad!!! I don't know how to react WHAT AM I DOING WRONG HERE?!

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While it was rude of her to say that, people who eavesdrop rarely ever see or hear anything good about themselves. It's a fact of life, I've come to accept that if I have the opportunity to snoop, I should pass it up because all it does is make you feel bad and cast suspiscion.(sp?)

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I won't condone what she did, and to some extent, I think she might have been telling something to someone to tell them what they wanted to hear. If her and her friends did not really want to come, then the girls night out was excuse enough for them, wasn't it. Instead, she told them and they came.


But I like what you did. You kind of stood up for yourself without prolonging any argument. Nice. Bet she has a different attitude toward you soon.

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Hang on here. How is it snooping when it was on his own computer and came up under HIS chat log? Am I missing something? I think what your friend did was very disrespectful to come over to your place, then use your computer and complain that she doesn't want to be there. I don't care if it was just something the other person wanted to hear. She did this on your computer. That sucks, and the fact that she's not even embarrassed in the slightest would make me wonder. I would be embarrassed if someone caught me saying something like that to someone.

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No question it was disrespectful, but I also would bet she had no clue it would ever be read by Q10.


What I like about what Q10 did was that he seems to have stood up for himself. He's not just taking her crap. And, I bet that changes the dynamic between him and her.

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