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What is the deal with older men?

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I think older men are cool. I have had one or two older male friends and they were never out for booty, just wanted to be my friend and hang out.


And they can like you for you, not just for booty. Age is no indicator of what the guy is after. You can find younger guys who are just out for booty. Just take your time to get to know the person and everything will be ok.

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if he's calling you at 2 AM, it's a booty call. if he only wants to talk about sex related topics with you, it's a booty call. if he's calling and asking you out at the last minute, to come over to his place and watch a DVD, that sounds like a booty call.


If he's into you, he'll call you up a few days in advance and ask you out on a proper date (ie, outside of the house).


does he express interest in your life and your job and what you do?

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