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Feeling like a Fatty.............

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I knew that caption would catch your eye!!! LOL


So, yes.....I am having one of "those" weeks. Just feeling BLAH.

I tend to get down during the holidays..so I am going to start the Body For Life program....now rather than AFTER the holidays. I need to stay busy, busy busy!!!


First things first!!! NO ALCOHOL....the last month I have started drinking

wine or beer 2-3 days a week..and I feel like a bloated mess....


This should be fun..........

Anyone wanna join me?

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Hey Lady Bugg - I was going to make a similar post today too. We went and got our family portrait taken today and HOLY COW - with emphasis on the COW part....I look soooo gigantic I'm ashamed.


I don't know about joining any clubs, but I have being thinking about a soup diet, a water diet or a vomitous upchuckious diet.......


ucch....I hate being fat.

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Im on a no booze colon cleanse right now because im trying to shed 4 pound so i can get my boobs reduced on the nhs in England. I have got 10 days to go and so i stuffed my face today with roast beef, Yorkshire pud, veg, roast spuds, apple pie and ice cream.

God help me the rest of the week as i have to go and run to shed this off but i do have pmt so i allowed it today lol.

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I'm with you. Haven't enjoyed a drink in 4 months and won't have one for another 4 or 5 months. Think you can hold out that long?


I'll tell you one thing though - as soon as the baby's out I'm popping open the champaign!


Oh bless you, when i was preg i had a glass of guinness every night with blackcurrent cordial. I gave up fags and booze but my nanna told me that stout was good for the baby and she was born very healthy pity i was a mess lol x

Put your feet up and relax x

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I'd like to hop on the bandwagon to better health, and a fitter bod. Lately, I've been feeling a little...uhh....soft. lol.


Booze is not a concern for me. I drink so rarely, just some red wine now and again.


I've been going over board with red meat lately. Steak, steak, steak. Need to get that in check. My heart!


Mmm...steak. lol.


What i need most is to get moving more. I know I need to, and I love it when I do, but my moodiness takes over and it becomes a great debate so I sit on my rump. And yet, if I'd move more, the moods wouldn't be so strong...ahhhkk.

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