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In need of guidence


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Hey, just posting this for a bit of guidence really. At this moment in time i dont feel apart of anything, i feel like im just "there", part of the furniture like. I've just started uni but at present i cant see a future for myself. I've been told turning to God could provide me with answers but im not so sure. I've also been told about Dianetics.


Any advice whatsoeva would be grateful


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Alot of things might help you, depending on what kind of person you are. For some people, drawing close to God certainly helps. If that doesn't work for you, then you could shop around for a sprituality that you like. Check out buddhism, judaism, Hare krishna (sorry if i didn't spell that right), lots of different things. See if anything touches you.


I'd say just try lots of different things. Take a bunch of courses in univ. that you would never normally consider taking. Try new hobbies. Become friends with people you never thought you'd get along with.


You're bound to find someone that hits you.

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Im 18 and thanks for the advice so far



I'm 18 too!


I'm not exactly a religious freak, I'm actually almost agnostic about Christianity, but I do know there is a God. I've no doubt about that. But, regardless of your beliefes, I believe that aslong as you arn't a suicide bomber, you have a future.


You'r only 18... you havn't even tapped into your life yet!!

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The thinking man looking for his answers. Your future will develop on its own and also with you being able to recognize opportunities and your own strengths.

That's what you are at uni for - to get prepared for your future.


To rise above these negative thoughts you're developing throw yourself into your studies, get into exercising on a regular basis and don't spend a lot of time dissecting yourself. Get out of yourself and check out what other people are thinking. check out God and dianetics and philosophy and look for your answers but as I said above, the answers will develop.


The great thing about learning is that we continue to learn throughout our lives.

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