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Ok so ive been causing myself pain for about the last 10 years of my life now (im 1B) due to an abusive father and about 20-30 friends commiting suicide over the years the seriousness has gone up and down but the thing is im so used to drawing my own blood at least once a week whether i feel overwhelmed or not so my question is :


What type of utensil////method do you usually use?


What music if any do you listen to? genre or bands


Personally i listen To metal of some sort or Deftones//alt bands and for the casual pain i usually insert 2 inch long pins into my arms anywhere from 10-50 of them at a time and leave them in there for roughly 20 minutes but up to a few hours


Thanks for replying

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Seems a bit time consuming and unsightly.

Have you tried seeking help?


I'm into Jeff Beck these days, but I get enough pain from arthritis and rude drivers.


Lol! Dako, genius.

I'd expand a bit:

Creating some sort of fan club for cutters seems to me (in my hormone/idiocy rittled brain) to be an unintentional way of supporting/promoting cutting...

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here's an idea for cutters everywhere: go down to the Red Cross and put that blood to good use. they'll jab you with a nice painful needle, they'll suck out a good amount, they'll even THANK you and give you orange juice, and the blood won't go to waste but will be used to help save someone's life. rather than shame and isolation, you'll feel the happiness that only comes with doing something positive--and hey, no scarring!


seriously, please consider it.

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Yeah thats really a great idea. So cutters stop cutting get needle instead, then you might start to feel better about yourself since you will save someones life



here's an idea for cutters everywhere: go down to the Red Cross and put that blood to good use. they'll jab you with a nice painful needle, they'll suck out a good amount, they'll even THANK you and give you orange juice, and the blood won't go to waste but will be used to help save someone's life. rather than shame and isolation, you'll feel the happiness that only comes with doing something positive--and hey, no scarring!


seriously, please consider it.

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