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Strange phobia for an adult

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Hi all,


I'm 27 years old and still suffer form doctor phobia - I avoid visiting any doctor that might ask me to remove any of my clothes or perform procedures more complicated than taking blood pressure, even if it does not involve needles. It also spread to other parts of my life when I refuse that Yoga teacher touches me during the class to show the correct posture performance. As an opposite to needles phobia, this fear is not commonly understood, even by doctors, so they always take me for a very stubborn, uncooperative patient and get angree. On the other hand I'm happily maried and have no problem to go to the pool (for example). I'm not familiar with any other adult that has such a problem. I will be very glad to hear from anyone with similar problem or from person who can relate to this. Does anyone have some tips of help? I have posted this cry for help on two other forums, but received no response. Hope this forum is more appropriate.




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I hope we can provide you with support and answers too. I'm no doctor though, and I'm only 21 and don't know much about phobias (excpet my phobia of asking out women!!!) but I'll try my best.


You may, just possibly, be feeling this because of something that happened to you in your past? It's just an idea but often cases like this are traced back to childhood or ever your teen years.


We really need to know how long you've been feeling this. Also, how did it go when you met your husband? What it awkward at first or did it just seem right?


How do you feel about yourself physically? You're comfy with your husband now, what about other people such as family and friends? Provide us with a few more details and we might be able to pin out down to somethign more specific.


Other people will know alot more about this than me and I really hope you find what you want here. There are great people here and if anyone can help you, we can

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Ever thought about try going for some counciling, I suffered and still suffer a bit with social phobia, how my counillor helped me was getting me too relax first and introduce me to things really slow, and he also got be back driving my car using the same method, It is hard work but it doe's work, and believe me they will never try too put you under too much pressure, Give it a shot!

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Thanks for your support. I have this problem for as much as I can remember, but fear of doctors is expected from a child, so it was not obvious back then. I think I'm shy about my body, although there is nothing wrong with it and I don't like to be toched or looked at, I need much more space and privacy then other people I know. Which also doesn't help I'm afraid of pain.


With my husband it was actually a fairy tale story. We knew each other for long time before we started to date and he is the most tender, thoughtfull and nice human being I know. I totaly trust him, so we never had problems with each other. With my family and close friends there is also no problem.


In my past there are no specific events that could cause it.


We will probably would like to have kids one day, so I think getting over this problem is unevitable

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Hello. I agree with the others in that I too think that something has happened to you in your past to start this phobia. We are not born with fear it is something that is learnt, and this is especially apparent with regards to phobias.


Now, when we talk about something happening in your past this could have stemmed back to when you were about 1-2 years of age and believe me there is plenty of evidence out there to suggest that things that happen to you at this age can have an affect on you in your later life. It doesn't necessarily have to be something bad, it could have just been something that made you uncomfortable at the time, and you may never truly know the reason.


I also agree with the others in that I think that you should seek counselling, which I know probably sounds silly to you and a waste of time, but you have to think ahead. If you and your husband have children, you are going to be in and out of the doctors surgery all the time aren't you, kids always catch bugs and stuff. What you don't want is for your child to hone in onto your phobia and take it on themselves do you?


Would you really want that for your child? There is no shame in seeking counselling for this, in fact I consider it to be appropriate and hope that you find support.

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