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The dreaded CSA

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After peoples knowledge!!


A friend of mine has a 8 year old daughter who he see's twice a week.


His CSA payment per month is £400.


He is a police man and earns £26,000


He is on the 'old system' with CSA. He has asked repeatedly for a re assessment, and been told he isn't entitled - he has written to his MP, to no avail.


The main issue is that he can't afford to live in his own house, as he can't afford to because of the CSA payments.


His ex...is living the life oh rhiley...new conservatory, new drive way, brand new off the the fore court car - and doesn't work.....claims benefits.


Any one know of a similiar situation? or indeed if there is anything my friend can do to get these payment reviewed? and hopefully reduced?



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Well the child support payment is for the CHILD. It really is irrelevant what his ex is doing. That's her problem. I know it seems very unfair, but stay focused on what the purpose of the payments are.


I am unfortunately not as up to speed on the system in the UK. But perhaps there is an appeals process that your friend can use if he's been denied a review at the lower levels of the process?


A quick review of that payment would not indicate it is out of line in the USA. That payment is about 18% of his gross pay which is probably 20-25% of his net pay. Thats a pretty typical child support payment here in the US. I know that causes him financial pain, but child support agencies are really unconcerned about that. The thought beyond it is that the child needs food, clothing, shelter, medical care, etc and parents are obligated to make sure that happens - regardless of what they have to endure to provide it.

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That doesnt sound right to me. I have just returned to work so am no longer on benefits,the way it works is the csa pay the money to the full time parent, but the government reduce your benefits. So if you dont work, effectively you dont see the money. Now i am employed again i will benefit from my ex partners csa money on top of my wages, all £24 a week of it lol (and we have 2 kids together!!) He is self employed so i think he fiddles his payslips, he drives 2 cars,has holidays abroad etc.


Maybe she is claiming benefits AND working cash in hand? Sounds like a bit of benefit frauds going on to me. Believe me, there is NOOO way she would be able to afford new cars,conservatorys,driveways etc on the pittance you have to live on whilst on benefits. I used to struggle so bad,literally just surviving from one week to the next. Either she is cheating the system or up to her eye balls in debt!!


As for the csa, the way they work is they consider all the payers debts,outgoings etc then deduct 10% of their earnings for one child and 15% of their earnings for 2 kids or more. If your friend is earning such good money, that sounds about right to me. Life sucks!!


My boyfriend has one child and has to pay his exwife the same amount as your friend, yet he has their son 4 nights a week....SHE should pay HIM maintenance lol

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I know who the payment is for and he would never deny his daughter anything....


however, he can't buy her stuff as much as he'd like as he is giving all his money to her mother.


Regardless of the normal people in this world, with morale, who know the money should be for the child - it clearly isnot being spent in this way.


I am not saying because of this one fact his payments should bre reduced. But it seems a huge amount of money to be paying for 1 child, considering his current salary.


He doesn't have a solicitor as yet....but of course it is a circle that won't break - he doesn't have the money to be able to have a solicitor to be able to get him out of this mess!!!!


Mothers like her...really do my head in!!

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DIzzy doris,....


the system is completely wrong.


I know he is on half decent money but...he'll never be able to move on with his life whilst she is taking all his money!!


He is on the old system apparently and if he were to be reassessed, the payments would be lower.


I know there is a lot of benefit freud out there - but this is really pants!


I think you should get more then £24 pw....


But 1 child???? £400......i think it sucks.

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Yeah it does suck and the csa wont help me when i keep asking for a reassessment either!


My one friend had a private arrangement with her ex where he paid her £30 a week for their child, however he didnt pay up every week so she got the csa involved. They made it so he has to pay £11 a week now!! He's laughing. I guess the system is going very wrong somewhere as there are lots of people overpaying, lots of people underpaying, and the good old csa wont do anything about it.

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