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Soulmates! How many believe in it?

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Just interested in how many out there do believe there is, or are with a soulmate?


It for me was a word I would never have used, I suppose because I had never been so truly in love. I never looked for such love, and was probably assuming I wouldn't find it.


But now I have, and although I would never let my b/f hear me say it (it's abit corny), I believe I am with my soulmate. Eventhough there are still a few loose ends to tie up, this is the man I was destined to be with, and him with me!


So, how many believe?

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Just interested in how many out there do believe there is, or are with a soulmate?


It for me was a word I would never have used, I suppose because I had never been so truly in love. I never looked for such love, and was probably assuming I wouldn't find it.


But now I have, and although I would never let my b/f hear me say it (it's abit corny), I believe I am with my soulmate. Eventhough there are still a few loose ends to tie up, this is the man I was destined to be with, and him with me!


So, how many believe?


;-) I would think that if he were truly your soulmate you would not be concerned about sharing this with him.

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Ill me 25 here in a few months, I have loved dumped, been dumped, been cheated on I have pretty much been through every motion of a relationship numerous times. But the feelings I have for my now ex are very different she was my girlfriend, my best friend, my mother, everything to me. The world could end tomorrow and to know that i found her I really wouldn't be that upset.

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I don't believe in one soulmate. I think that the meaning of a "soulmate" could apply to many people, even at the same time. For example, I love my boyfriend and I really do think he is the one for me, and he's told me he feels the same. However, my absolute best friend also feels like a soulmate if you take away the romantic connotation of it. She knows me like no one else and I'm always amazed how we can live in different cities, not talk for a long time, then get on the phone and it's like we live down the street from each other again. We've had our fights and downtimes, but we know we will always be each other's best friend. To me, that's also a soulmate.

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I've never really had more than a passing thought about it. I'd probably be afraid to say that I've found my soulmate in my boyfriend, though I know we'll be together forever. And, its not a daunting thought. We get on so well together, hardly argue and already know what our kids names are going to be.

I know, it sounds so horribly sappy, but we connect so well. I'm lucky to have found him. So . . I guess I do believe in all things like love at first sight/soulmates, etc.

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Well I think that we all have many soulmates, but that the soulmate that we are all looking for is the one we can spend the rest of our lives with - and when we find that person we call him/her our soulmate. Or when you find someone you love more than anyone (or true love) we call him/her out soulmate.


I guess the better question would be: Do you believe in love at first sight? - as that is more likely to end up as ones 'soulmate' in the end as it is a mutual love at first sight without ever having seen him/her before (or at least having any recollection of it).


On a side note: the 'Do you believe in destiny?' question I have always found weird, as destiny is just another word for our/the future, right? Only that you say that the future is already written - which you can't really say yes or no to, as the future is just a word explaining what lies ahead of us - and something always lie ahead of us, no matter who we are, right?



Sorry for the extra babbling, heh



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;-) I would think that if he were truly your soulmate you would not be concerned about sharing this with him.


I'm not concerned Batya. If I was to say to my b/f "Do you think we are soulmates", he would just answer "Uuhhmm What's that then?"


He's not exactly the deep thinker, when it comes to romance..LOL

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frost- that's really beautiful


axel- I feel the same way. I wouldn't call him my soulmate, because I don't think there is any one soulmate out there, but I know that we will be married one day and we will be together for the rest of our lives. Even if we don't get married and the relationship somehow falls apart, I know he'll always be an important part of my life, and I'll feel happy just for knowing him

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What I believe right now in my life is that soul-mates can be created at any given time. My g/f & I wouldn't have met if we both didn't go through the mistakes, pain, experience and other circumstances that made us who we are.


I don't believe in one single soul mate but there are a lot of 'compatible' partners out there. It's just the matter of finding that person at the right place at the right time & also have similar goals, wants, needs and being honest to each other.

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I'm not concerned Batya. If I was to say to my b/f "Do you think we are soulmates", he would just answer "Uuhhmm What's that then?"


He's not exactly the deep thinker, when it comes to romance..LOL


OK I'll put it another way - if you truly believed the two of you were soulmates you would be comfortable expressing to him what that meant to you. If to you soulmates means something so "abstract" that you can't explain it then my suggestion would be instead of focusing on the "abstract" focus on what you like about him and the realities of your day to day interaction - those are actually much deeper than some abstract notion of soulmates, in my humble opinion. It's so easy to get caught up in these "deep" labels because they're more "romantic" and "thrilling" than reality - but reality, while perhaps a little less exciting is so much more real and thereforeeee has so much more substance.


No need for him to be a deep thinker to be able to agree that the two of you click in a special way.

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I believe in soul mates, but I also believe that we can have more than 1 soulmate. And no, they don't come by easy.


I think I've met my soulmate. Nothing ever came of it, though, because certain circumstances prevented us from being able to go out and all that.


My boyfriend now, although I love him, I know he's not my soulmate. Sad, no? lol

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It just occurred to me, if people really do have soulmates.. how many do you suppose end up meeting each other?

My guess is the proportion would be fairly low.


Agreed so perhaps Cenobyte has got it more or less right in his post #20, that once we have found true love, and are willing to give our entire lives to that person, then we create a soulmate.


To me that makes more sense, than to think they're out there, but some never meet.


All I know is, that even before I was together with my b/f, as friends no one could get close to what we had, we would do so much together, liked and disliked the same things (mostly), would basically think the same thoughts..etc. I suppose that made us soulbuddies!!


Now we are Soulmates, and it's a word I can use, and understand the meaning of.



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it's interesting that you consider him your soulmate but are not willing to share those feelings of yours with him.


Actually Batya I did ask him what he thought, and I got exactly the reaction I expected...."UUhh, What's that then?"


So after explaining it to him, his answer was "of course we're *mates*, we like watching soccer together, and everything"


You must remember Batya, we are from England, most don't go in for such soppy talk, my b/f is from Liverpool, where men have to act like men, if you know what I mean.


I also don't need flowers and romantic gifts, I'm not into that stuff. All I know is that we love each other dearly, and are happy to share our lives together. To me that's enough, and yes I believe him to be my soulmate.


By the way, our convo over this subject had us in fits of laughter, as we never talk about such heavy duty soppy stuff like that.


This does not make us any the less in love though.



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