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From a ladies mindset, what are you thinking?

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i was with my girlfriend about a week after we had been dating. well, we had some to drink and she more than i was pretty drunk. well, we were kissing and stuff (i wasnt being a jerk and not trying to take advantage of her situation!). neway. we stoped for a bit because her ex bf had called and they had a lil argument bout w/e in their past. so when she hung up. she was making fun of him. and mentioned how she tried to have sex with him once and he didnt know what to do. she said he just kept screwing up and eventually she laughed and said "andew...just put your pants back on..." and she was making fun of him.


she doesnt remember this convo because she doesnt rememebr nething she says when she's drunk. so she was scared she told me too much bout andrew and all that.


well, a few months later, we tried to have sex for the first time. i was a virgin and of course i was extemely nervous. so everything was going ok and we both had all our clothes off n everything, and then i tried to put on the condom. lucky me, i couldnt get the damn thing on! i went through 4 condoms trying to get it on and i couldnt (i paniked after the 1st one) so i was just freaking out and ended up just tellin her i couldnt do it with total embarrassment. THEN, a week later, i tried again. i got the condom on, but just before i was able to put it in her, lucky me again, i came right then n there b4 it even got 1/4 inch in.


so my question is, if she made fun of her ex SO badly about not being able to perform then what is the possibility she thinks stuff bout me messing up? i mean, we've been dating for 9 months now and needless to say, ive fixed my problem and we have sex quite frequently now and not to sound cocky, i think im pretty good for learning all on my own. im jsut scared she has thoughts about me and how i messed up too. not that she tells ppl, but that she feels the same way bout my misfortunes.


SO from a ladies mindset, what most likely would you say is her thoughts? if you were my girlfriend, what would you think?

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I think your post reflects a lot more on the maturity of your girlfriend and less on her ex's and your prior experience with sex.


She didn't break up with her ex because he was inexperienced, did she? I don't expect that she will break up with you for it either.




She turned around and made fun of him afterwards. I expect she will do the same to you one day.


Every single person who has had sex was a virgin at one point in time. I find it very cruel and immature to make fun of someone for this reason.


Her words speak volumes.. About herself.


My thoughts? Your girlfriend doesn't know how to respect a relationship after it has ended.

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naw, i think things sound fine with you guys... after you break up with someone, it is normal when annoyed to dredge up every little irritation you ever had with them and stew over it...


if your sexual experiences are fine now and she is giving no indication she is unhappy with it, just consider that other a drunken rant against an ex-boyfriend she was annoyed with... there is always the chance she will rant about you if you ever break up, but who cares then anyway? she wouldn't still be with you now if she had a major problem with anything you were doing...

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