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seeking advice, broke NC, i dunno wut just happend??

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ok, im in a messy state here, my ex called me twice friday evening, the second time leaving a bit of a nasty voice mail....its bin more then 3 weeks of NC mind you. in that voice mail she said the following...."i dunno what ive done to you and i dont really care, i tried being your friend but you just disapeard, but thats not the point, i herd you got laid off from work, n my parents are bugging me they want you to know they had nothing to do with it" (her father got me the job that i had) she continued saying "if you have a heart or any feelings you'll call me or send me a txt, if you dont than ill no its completely over and ill never speak to you again"


so i gave it about an hour before i called her, let me tell you she was mad lol, first thing she said was "you know what a phone is?" then she asked a few questions, if the layoff was true and for how long it will be, i told her it was true and i dont no how long... she had to go cause her cousin was calling.


she called back in five minutes and i could hear her mom going crazy in the background asking if it was me she was talking to... her parents loved me... so we chated for a bit. she said i sound different and when i asked what that ment she couldnt answer, she just said i sound so different. so i left it at that. then the dreaded question arose....


"so hows your gf?" (i dont have another gf but i no how her mind works and how she trys to get info outta me) i replied "which one?" n i chuckled... she called me a d*ck and said so you do have one? and i told her it was none of her business, she got upset said she didnt wanna talk to me now and said bye, n i said bye, knowing damn well that she thought i would fight to keep her on the line....


sorry if this is long but bear with me it gets a little more juicy


5 minutes after hanging up i get a txt from her. she said "your such a jerk and why i care is beyond me just remember to disappear again cause when you decide to reappear i may not be here anymore"


ok so with that all said....

what the heck could her txt msg possibly mean?


lay it on me cause im lost i dunno what shes trying to do to me, breaking NC didnt set me back cause im feeling alright, it just left me confused....


im not good at analizing my own situation.... please help me decifer all this

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Sounds like she's having a case of the regrets to me! I think she realized that she may have blown it with you and is trying to make you try harder to get her back by laying the fear of not getting her back when you do try out there.


it kind of seems like it, but its hard to tell honestly i feel so many mixed signals from her](*,)

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Next time she contacts you, just ask her, what is the reason for your contact? If you don't get "I want to work things out", I think you will have your answer. Leave "the games" for the Olympics!


i no why.... she wants to be friends, but i think the month of nc effected her, n she realised im for real.... but i no she would never flat out just say i miss u i want u back, cause she feels i would never take her back

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but i no she would never flat out just say i miss u i want u back, cause she feels i would never take her back


Not even close mate. No-one and I mean NO-ONE will let pride etc. get in the way of asking someone out if they want a second shot....especially if they ended the r/s. Don't even consider taking the lead in this situation.


Don't mistake her anger for actual anger. She appears angry because she is hurt....hurt that the person that she thought would stick around and pine for her is actually doing what he is supposed to do - move on.


It always takes the dumper by surprise when the dumpee appears to move on quicker than they do. Keep doing what you're doing - do not react to ANYTHING she says or does unless it is to speak about reconciliation. You're doing well.

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Not even close mate. No-one and I mean NO-ONE will let pride etc. get in the way of asking someone out if they want a second shot....especially if they ended the r/s. Don't even consider taking the lead in this situation.


Don't mistake her anger for actual anger. She appears angry because she is hurt....hurt that the person that she thought would stick around and pine for her is actually doing what he is supposed to do - move on.


It always takes the dumper by surprise when the dumpee appears to move on quicker than they do. Keep doing what you're doing - do not react to ANYTHING she says or does unless it is to speak about reconciliation. You're doing well.


so would you think that LC would be best for me now?... cause i do want to get back together with her, but i will not jump into it, id just be seting myself up for failure


a couple friends of mine think i should talk to her and see where it can go, they seem to think shes missing me... i unblocked her off of msn and we talked... she started doing 20 questions with me, asking wut ive bin upto, wut i did last night and wut i was doing tonight... i didnt answer anything with a proper answer.... plus she was sending me pics on my cell of her 2 baby cousins, which she knew i loved alot...


so much confusion, i dunno.....](*,)

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its been 2 days since i got this txt msg from her "your such a jerk and why i care is beyond me just remember to disappear again cause when you decide to reappear i may not be here anymore"


but it still bothers me, i dunno what she is trying to tell me there?

is that possibilly a way of her trying to hint to me that she wants to try to work it out?

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I'm a woman and I'd say something like that if I wanted to work it out. I'd be more direct because I tend to say what's on my mind, but I've wanted to say something similar to my ex.


really? cause i no she wants to be friends with me, but i didnt want that at the time of the break up, cause it simply hurt to much so i disappeared on her for a month... then thats when everything went down... girls/woman r so hard to figure out

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