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Keeping her interested, how?


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During a practical lecture at my college today i had a chance of chatting with a new girls how joined the course 3 weeks ago along with another but i seem to be more interested in this particular girl. During some free time when the lecturer was busy i managed to have a chat with her about what what i plan too do after college/uni and what my possible project was going to be as were starting projects pretty soon. Our converstation was cut rather short as the lecturer came back and brought us together as a group with the other students.


I tried to keep alot of eye contact with her and ask her questions, making myself seem very interested in her. She seems to be the type of girl that i would consider dating, granted i haven't had much in the experience of date or girlfriends but she seems very different and i can't quite put my finger on what lol.


Before today we have only had short conversations and i mean short, i would like to know how to further my converstation with her? Or now that i've show a little interested in her and about her should i play it safe and just not talk now for a little while or is this a bad idea? im just very much confused as what too do next with this girl. She seems to be interested and im interested but i don't know whether my interpretations are right or not and just rather confused about the whole situation. Im not going too see her now till next week Monday so i have plenty of time to think of stuff and what to do next.


Cany anyone else offer anything or a possible next move?

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Well first off all if you set your eyes on something, go for the gold! and ask her out. its a win win situation for you, if she says no you can move on with your life, if she says yes you got a date. Keep pursuading her until she gives in, or really 100% rejects you. The most important thing is not to give up. Show her that you know what you want in life. There's chemistry between you two, you just have to light the fire by pushing the relationship you have with her to the next level. For me this all sounds pretty good id definitly give it a try, so im raising my green flag here saying you should go for the kill!

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My advise take it slow, dont be too aggressive or you might appear posessive. Since you just met you can ask her to meet in public places, go to the library do research together or grab a snack at the cafeteria together, this will give you the chance to know her better find out her likes/dislikes which will help lots. More than anything its all about your confidence, when you think you are ready, ask her out on a real date.

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