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Am I depressed or just lazy?

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Over the past few weeks I've lost all interest in school work and I just cannot bring myself to do any. I'm in my final year of university and I was top of my class last year. I've never been a super hard worker but I always managed to scrape through at the last moment and remain on top. But now all I do is watch Seinfeld all day, order pizza and sit at my computer. Sometimes I cry but there's always a definite trigger like if I have a bad day or I percieve people are being unfriendly. I've never had a girlfriend and none of my friends are close enough to confide in. I feel really guilty because my professors still think I'm a great student and I'm not. They nominated me for a research job after I graduate and I so badly want to tell them NO! I can't do it. I don't even know if I'm going to graduate. I've lost all my motivation to work or study. Part of the reason being that I'm single and lonely and I think a research job is going to make it worse. Or am I just being lazy and trying to find excuses?

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hmm... this is pretty hard to tell... how long have you been feeling like this? I dont remember exactly but if its been more than 2-3 months it could be clinical depression ;; but regardless of what it TECHINCALLY is.... if you feel REALLY sad.. its VERY possible that you have depression.....


I can defintly see how the last year would make you lazy, but a sudden change in lifestyles like you describe and a lack of energy (among other things) are usually signs of depression...


maybe you should try finding something that you are interested in? that might improve the social aspect of you life, and find you a girl and some close friends

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man, ya it sounds like depression..... your best bet is to try to talk to a therapist.... If you are still in school there should DEFINTLY be someone there to help you out

Depression isn't as simple as a lot of people think... It isn't just a funk that you can get yourself out of sometimes.... the proffesionals at your school will defintly be able to help you out

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The fact that you are losing interest in everything -- not just school -- is an indicator that you're probably dealing with depression.


When was the last time you had a complete physical? You might want to start with your regular doctor (or school health service), and make sure there's nothing like an underlying physical illness going on. Be sure to tell the doctor the things you've mentioned here. When you've gotten a clean bill of health, then you might want to check into counseling (if they have a student counseling service at your school, that might be the easiest thing for you to access). The quickest way to deal with depression is a combination of medication and therapy, so unless you hook up with a psychiatrist, you'll probably find that you'll need to go to your doc for meds and a counselor for therapy.


That whole meds/therapy thing doesn't have to be permanent, either. If you can find a counselor who specializes in short-term, brief therapy and make it clear to the doc you don't want to be on meds indefinitely, you can probably figure on treatment time of less than a year.


I had a work-induced mental meltdown about 3 years ago. Did meds for about 6-8 months, therapy for the first 4 months (until I moved out of town for another job), and have been fine without either since.

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Sounds like you ran out of steam, did you ask yourself why you're doing and could you think of an answer? Sometimes doing things without reason or purpose can seem meaningless. Like Maverick32x suggested you could try talking to a counsellor on campus. Look you are doing your final year just dig deep and finish it, yeah its maybe asking alot but you dont want to spend the rest of your life regret that you hadnt earned your college degree.

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Hey there,


It sounds like you may be suffering from dysthymia. It is a minor form of depression and it tends to come and go throughout a person's life span.


Here are some links describing it....


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If any of this sounds like you, it would be a good idea to get a referral from your doctor to see a social worker, psychologist and the like. I hope you feel better soon. Take care.

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