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Meeting New People of you Ethnicity?

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Ya I guess I do have a question, I'm from a pretty small city, but I'm planning to move to British COlumbia Canada next year for University. I havn't had great luck meeting people where I am now, and wouldn't know where to start or find them. Actaully, I don't think I've ever actually met another lesbian before personally, and I'm 17 already...haha I don't plan to be alone for the rest of my life, so I figure the first step is to know what I'm looking for.


I'm definitly not the bar type, so I'm hopping maybe I'll run into someone when I go to University. My question is, I guess I prefer asian poeple, as I am asian myself, I know the asian population of Vancouver is pretty large, but what is the asian lesbian scene there or in fact what is the asian lesbian scene in general?

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I don't know about Canada, but it seems that almost every university here in the US has an LGBT organization. If that's something that interests you, you'll not only be helping other people, but also meeting others in your situation, either through their social functions or just everyday interaction. You may also be able to find a city-wide LGBT program as well...

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