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Feeling hopeless and digusted.


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Now once you have answererd that, tell your self that TOday could be your last day: Do you spend it lamenting on things that your trained mind instinctively makes you do? Or do you look at the big picture and your role in it. Feeling of sadness and happiness are all apart of it, but so are curiosity, experimenting, pushing the envelop, growing, discovering, creating, elevating.


(Think about it)


Hi GG - thanks for the words of wisdom. i agree. I don't want my marital status to define who I am. I do believe that I am here for a reason and that things happen to people for a reason. sometimes, it's difficult to always believe that in the face of frustration or adversity. thanks for reminding me to keep the faith.


Big Hair..I understand your frustration. You and Joe 'clicked" on so many levels..and in a sense you are left hanging. UGH. It sucks..I know.


yeah, being a single mom may turn off some men, but lots of single moms get married also. if having a baby at this point in your life will fulfill you, maybe it will be the happiness and radiance that comes from that will attract the man of your dreams?


something to think about....


I've already talk to my gyn about this stuff. I got some referrals for fetility docs too. my parents, surprisingly, are very supportive...although they'd prefer that i get married.


yes, it a dream of mine to have a husband and kids. but, i am not so much of a traditionalist that i think it has to happen in that order: marriage first and then family.


I believe that having a baby by myself will take the pressure off dating.


This is actually something that I have recently started to think about. I think it's worth some investigation, bighair.



absolutly hoss! i've already started investigating. gathering info is very empowering.

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I forgot to add: Read some of the threads from the married people and the problems they deal with. Getting married doesn't mean you won't face the same problems you face in the dating world ie. rejection, lack of committment to the relationship, etc. Whenever I get down about not being married, I read some of those threads and realize wow, those problems you deal with as a single person in a relationship can come up when you are married as well. Nothing is ever guaranteed.


hi craze -


good point. married people experience infidelity, domestic violence, etc...i know it's not just about getting a guy to the altar....it's a huge amount of work, and i would not want to enter into marriage lightly...i think a divorce would be even more devastating.

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You know, I love my child and would do it all again if I had the choice, but children aren't necessarily the meaning of life. If you miss out on kids, it's not a catastrophe. I wish you could have been here for my daughter's third birthday party ... that would have an eye-opener for anyone who yearns for children. (Insert rueful smiley here!)


Children can bring you as much sorrow, rage and despair as they can joy. They're chancy.


I wish you well, I really do... I would like to kick Joe's a***e!

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You know, I love my child and would do it all again if I had the choice, but children aren't necessarily the meaning of life. If you miss out on kids, it's not a catastrophe. I wish you could have been here for my daughter's third birthday party ... that would have an eye-opener for anyone who yearns for children. (Insert rueful smiley here!)


Children can bring you as much sorrow, rage and despair as they can joy. They're chancy.


I wish you well, I really do... I would like to kick Joe's a***e!


Hi, thanks for saying this. I know that being a mother is a lot of hard work, and i think being a single parent is even harder. My ex was so selfish when it came to my bio clock. He's divorced and has a son. It's like he just didn't care that I wanted to be a mother because he was already a parent.


That's why i feel like getting pregnant on my own is so appealing. I don't feel confident that I will meet someone who will want the same things as me at the same exact time.


I don't want to depend on a man for this. I did that for a long time and well, he was not dependable at all.

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