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Prayer Please - Our Injured Marine

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We were notified today that a gentleman that we work with was injured in Iraq. He took leave from our company to go to Iraq. Although I don't know him personally, I had the opportunity to small talk with him a few times and he is a wonderful man. There are many people here at work that did know him personally and are not doing so well.


Josh and the other men with him were hit by an explosive in a humvee on October 15. The other two men didn't survive. Josh survived but has lost both of his legs. As far as we know, he is still in Iraq until he is stable enough to be moved to Germany and then home to the U.S.


Will you please say a little prayer for he and his family? He is going to have a long battle ahead. At this point, he's sedated. He's not awaken yet to realize. I'm sure that he will be grateful that he survived but it's going to be hard for him to accept the loss of the other men along with the rest.


Please say a prayer and remember to pray for the men and women that dedicate their lives to protecting us.

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He will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. as well has his family. It is so sad to hear that this has happened. It hurts my heart every time I hear of one of our troops being killed or injured.


I daily keep all of our troops in my prayers. I have been through having my son age 20 , in Iraq for a year , whom just returned safely in July and now my young cousin age 26 is in Iraq just outside Baghdad.

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Thank you all for your kind words and prayers.


He has plenty of friends and his parents awaiting at home for him. When his mother called our company, she repeated "I didn't want him to go," several times.


I also keep the troops in my prayers daily. I have a friend over there too and have friends whose family members have been there.


Thank you again.... I will definitely keep you updated as we receive word on how he is doing and when he will make it home.

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Just got word that he will be flown home to the states on Monday. Whew...


This means that he is most likely stable or expected to be stable enough to be flown home in less than a week. I'm sure his family will be grateful to be able to be with him. It has to be pure he** having a child that is injured and not being able to comfort him/her.

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We now have an address to a blog his sister has started.


Thank you again for all your prayers. Her notes from this morning on his blog:


9:00 am 11/18/06 Update


Mom spoke again with Germany & the physicians that are treating Josh. They had taken him to the operating room early today to unpack his nose to see if the bleeding had stopped enough to keep it clear for breathing. If not, they would repack & continue with the trach. They were also going to be changing the dressings on his legs while in there. They reiterated that he is in good spirits. She is supposed to talk to them again this afternoon and possibly get to talk to Josh directly.


We thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. I assure you I am passing along all email correspondence that I receive to mom and dad and we will be keeping it for Josh to read at some point. We don't have any addresses or contact information for sending Josh things yet, but as soon as we do, we will update this blog with that information.


Please continue to remember the soldiers who lost their lives in this incident and their families. As well, pray for those who are still fighting over there and that they remain safe & come home soon.

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Latest update. He will be back to the states soon! This is from the blog his sister has created. Please continue to pray for Josh and our troops that dedicate their lives to us.


Josh's nurse in Germany called us last night to give a current status. She said that Josh is a joy to be around. That he said it wasn't too bad of a gig, getting to lay in bed, watch tv and eat icecream. That's our JOSH!!! He asked if she liked the show "The Office". We had all watched it together so we gave her the run down on what had happened tonight on the show.


He wanted to know if everyone knew about his condition. We passed along that EVERYONE knows and is praying for him. We told him that we were bringing all his email and his computer so he can get back in touch with everyone as soon as possible. He is unable to speak at this time, so the computer will be the best bet to communicate with Josh.


Mom, Dad, Jenni and I are loading up the car to head to the airport. We should arrive in DC around 1:00 today and the military will take us to the hospital to await Josh's arrival. He will be on a 9 hour medivak flight from Germany and we aren't exactly sure of the timing, but hope for early evening.


I'll update as I can tonight after we see him. Love to you all!

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