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Did I burn my bridges here....

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Ok so I think many know my story.... Just as a refresher... my ex of 4 years just broke up a litte over a month and a half ago. Just about 3 weeks ago I asked to see how she was doing and how her and her new b/f were, well she sent me a blow by blow of her and her new boyfriend. I mean EVERYTHING... like she is sleeping with him on the weekends now, and his family is amazing and that she thinks she is falling for him oh and the kicker.... her is paying for gas..hahah. I think she was completely out of line... and mind you this was a Myspace email.


Well I deleted her email and removed her from Myspace and locked myspace from no one but my buddies to see my profile and pics....


Do you think this burned bridges? Should I open my myspace for her to see again... but keep her off my buddy list... I feel like this may be a stab back... but what do you guys think?


Damn I feel like this is so high school... and I am a college grad! Arggh...

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I would say "no" you haven't burned any bridges with something like that. If you had gone off on a tirade about her in myspace or something like that then yes... but that's really not the point. The thing is that you need to ask yourself if you really want her back, especially if she's treating you like this. Try not to sabotage your healing process by worrying about whether you're pissing her off or not. If you start looking for "signs" as to whether you're going to get her back or not you're setting yourself up for a world of hurt... trust me I've been there. Don't worry about being friends with her initially, if anything is going to happen it's not going to be a while if she's going all googly over this new guy. It's alright to stay in touch... but let her go for a while and let yourself heal.

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well, do you care to still talk to her? Do you still want to be friends? Are you still hoping that someday she will come back to you? If you guys aren't planning on being friends again, and if you don't have any reason to want to contact her or for her to contact you again then you did the right thing... you pretty much told her you're done trying to be nice and you're moving on. If you don't have any plans to stay in touch with her, I'd say keep it the way you have it. If anything I'd change your profile but keep her blocked... that way if she wants to snoop and see how much better you're doing without her, she can but you don't have to know about it...

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You're done with her for now buddy. Further communication with her will result in pain. Forget about the details of whether or not you burned a bridge - she's sleeping with another guy, giving you details. Why are you sticking around to hear about this other than to hurt yourself?


Don't think twice about this - close her out of your life for now. Maybe later you can reopen a door but right now focus on healing.

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You're done with her for now buddy. Further communication with her will result in pain. Forget about the details of whether or not you burned a bridge - she's sleeping with another guy, giving you details. Why are you sticking around to hear about this other than to hurt yourself?


Don't think twice about this - close her out of your life for now. Maybe later you can reopen a door but right now focus on healing.


I was thinkin the same.... I am just a little overwhelmed by the whole situation... still.... and she has supposedly moved on... as another person said in another forum "she had her foot in the door" so I am sure it was hell of a lot easier for her.....

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