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i was communicating with my ex 2day through email, we have been broken up 3 months...


anyway, she said this to me


"I would say I'm over you, its getting a little easier I suppose, getting back into some kind of routine now without you, it is still hard...."


so at least i know..but shes struggling with it...


don't worry im not reading any hope into any of it!

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How'd you deal with that response emotionally, Street? Were you ready for something like that? Or did it really catch you off guard? I haven't talked to my ex in almost a month now, and I'm almost afraid to, cause I still have that inkling of hope left inside, and if I heard from her now and she said something like 'she was over me', it'd hurt pretty bad. Hopefully, in 3 months time I would be able to handle something like that....just curious if you were....how long was it since your last communication with her? (Before you got that message?)

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