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how to get rid of a obsessive past lover

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hello. last nite i went out to a club with a bunch of my friends. I met up with this guy that I had formerly had a one night stand with. I told the guy from the very beginning that we could be nothing more than friends because we were not right for each other. He said that was cool and agreed to just be friends.



last nite and a few times before I had the oppurtunity to meet someone that would be right for me. last nite, I met a really nice guy and while we were dancing ( Jeff, the guy I had a one night stand with) kept grabbing my butt and putting his hands around me. I kept telling him to knock it off and it was making the other guy quite jealous. I tried explaining that we were just friends. He got upset and said it looked like just wanted to be alot more than friends. I have talked with Jeff sevewral times and have told him to keep his hands off me. i don't know what more I could say to Jeff to get him to back off. but to make along story short i lost another good guy and this continues to happen.

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erh, i have another idea.

If he get up behind you again, reach behind you a grab his nut and squeeze... dont let go till he buckles. Then look him in the eyes and says, "i told you not to do that ever again didnt i?"


2 things can happen there, the guy you fancy will stand up for you and admire your guts for being able to handle yourself.


the guy that you like will think you are NUTS!! and AVOID YOU!


from my point of view yo win either way cos jeff will not be hanging round you anymore.

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tell the bouncer... simple as that..... its unwanted harassement.. and you've made it VERY clear that you don't want him to do it anymore..... also, make sure you dont do it in a "joking" way... I've seen a lot of girls just kind of laugh itoff, and it usually just reinforces his behavior... so be SERIOUS. get mad!!! lol good luck;;

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All these comments about assaulting this guys crotch area are childish.


Don't do it.


I like Dako's idea of telling the bouncer.


What strikes me about your story is that this "quality" guy went home with your friend. And if your friend knew you liked him, why did she go home with him? What kind of friend is that?


Please re-evaluate what constitutes a "quality" man and a "real friend."

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All these comments about assaulting this guys crotch area are childish.


Don't do it.


I like Dako's idea of telling the bouncer.


What strikes me about your story is that this "quality" guy went home with your friend. And if your friend knew you liked him, why did she go home with him? What kind of friend is that?


Please re-evaluate what constitutes a "quality" man and a "real friend."


^ wins thread.

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My advice: Act like you don't know him and see what happeneds. Maybe some other guy comes in to "protect your honour" and everyone gets in to a huge fight. You and your guy friend sneaks out the back door, run to the ocean at sundown, he looks you deep in the eye and tells you: "That was fun", with a nervous kind of look in his eye... You respond: "I think so too", also nervous, and you start kissing passionately on the beach... My my my!

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Cosmo had an article in the last few years about which ex's you could keep in your life and which were so toxic that you had to let go. I think they said the hook up ex was problematical because your connection was physical and that was hard to change. I fell for this guy online and had to let him go because it turned out that his only feelings for me were *erotic* as he termed it. It sounds like this fella is doing the same thing to you. I hope you dump him pdq.

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