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I am a 33 yr virgin and gay. I have travelled a lot and still haven't found a lesbian to lose with. i have soo looked and nothing. i am so frustrated and tired of being alone. do I just go out to bar warm up to some guy because for the most part they really don't care. I am completely gay and I can not seem to attract the right strong woman. I have been an athlete for a long time and still nothing, maybe it is just not to be. I still feel it is not fair that I have to sacrifice my virginty that I want to give to another woman and give to a man do to my aging, it's really sad. Will things be O'K.

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Honey, don't give it away.


You are a strong woman; you show this in your willingness to wait this long, your athleticism, and your diligent search for an equally strong mate.... There is someone out there for you. Someone who will appreciate the gift that you saved for them even before you knew them.


What avenues have you exhausted in looking for the perfect gal?? Isn't there a large GLBT community in Ontario??

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hi tipper - I agree with vangdsmom - have you looked at all the different options for meeting lesbians? you should go to as many "gay" events as possible, join a lesbian discussion group, find out about fundraisers, etc.... try to get involved, get on a committee for an even, you will get to know plenty of women that way.


good luck - you sound like a terrific woman, I know your perfect lady is waiting for you!

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Thanks so much for your strong, supportive words. It's very lonely and everyong else has enjoyed the pleasure of sharing that life experience. I am very scared of dying alone. I guess I very upset at my situation, coming to realize almost half my life is over. I will take the advice given and try to find lesibian community groups but I live in rural area and it's hard for me to get into the city. I am currently in counceling but probably not enough and might need some anti-depresents. I give a lot of credit to nuns/priest who stay celebit all their life, what a sacrifice. Maybe they don't see that way but I do. Anyways, I appreciate your kind, encouraging words. This web site has been a kind rescue for me. thank-you.

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Hi, I am glad that I read your thread. You sound very lonely. I am 28 yrs old and came to enotalone about 2 years ago because I was confused about my sexuality. I was also a virgin. Through a lot of converation on this forum and meeting other gay women I realized that I was gay.


I had my first serious relationship with anyone and it was with a woman this past summer. It didn't last too long for many reasons. I think some of my threads are still on here somewhere. It was the first person that I have made love with and I felt comfortable with her.


I don't think that you should give it up to a man because you cannot find a woman that you are in love with. I don't recommend meeting women in bars. I met my gf on link removed. Have you tried internet dating?


I can certainly understand your embarrassment about being gay and also about being a bit older and still a virgin. I am sure that you will meet someone who will be thrilled to be your first lover.


Do you have other gay friends? Don't they have friends that they can introduce you to?

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Hey you aren't old, you're 33! Don't take out those knitting needles and blue hair dye just yet! lol...


I am sure--especially if you live in a big city--that there are Lesbian groups. I find going to a particular place where eveyone has a common interest, outside of being gay, less intimidating. If you have a hobby I am sure there is a group for it.

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Hi tipper,


You have a wealth of information right at your fingertips!


If you do some google searches you will DEFINITELY find

information regarding gay events/clubs/volunteer groups/etc

in the Ontario area.

(I've meet ALOT of good friends thru glbt volunteer organizations!)


Good luck...and don't give up on yourself!

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There's a lady on here who posted a few weeks ago that said she had set up a website for lesbians in Canada. I can't remember who she was? I'm sure she'd get in touch with you if you started a new posting saying 'looking for the lady who's started a lesbian group in Canada' or something like that.

Maybe that's not the correct wording.


It might be a good idea to ask a Moderator if it's ok first. I don't want you to get into any trouble.


I'm sorry I can't be anymore help.


Good luck

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Thank-you all so much. I am so overwhelmed that you all replied. I want you all to know that every reply given has helped me tremendously and I am especially greatful. The world continues to develop and I am stuck with a closed vagina that hasn't been shared with anyone. Maybe training so much I became obsessed with my virginity and it got the better of me. I am really feeling the years I have lost that haven't been shared with anyone along the way. Now I feel really old and unattractive and I appreciate all of your help and positive outlooks. I will definitely look at the web sites given and give it my all. You all have been fantastic and keep up the great support, it's life saving.

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No I don't have any other gay friends. I live in very small town and it's hard to get into the city at times. I was in security and have a law and security diploma so I thought I could meet a cop, but I think I am socially retarded and have a hard time commuicating properly. Being a virgin, I haven't really experienced personal interaction. I don't know what I'm doing wrong???? Anyways, thank-you so much for sharing your time and experience. I feel like a leprechaun out here, I can't be found. take care. tipper

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thanks for your sympathy and You feel the closure of life at times and the best way to get over that is to find someone to share a lifetime or moment with and the pain of a virgin is unrelenting and the loss of virginity can be quick or forgiving or lifelong or love for the moment. But then life begins again. It's just thirty years is toooo long and I can probably call myself a nun. I have not grown with the rest of life since 1976. So I appreciate all your help. Thank God I stumbled accross this web site.

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yes I a working hard and the pink sofa seems to work quite well for me. I feel I don't deserve the help you all have given me, the thing is I really comfort all your help. The earth seems all I work for and It's not helping progress to cleaner H2O breatheable society. I really want to get into marine biology. I have throw myself into work because I can not think about the human love I have lost. Thnaks for the contacts and I hope someone will be compatible with me before I'm 34. plbsssss what a mess. take care.

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hey - no problem, we are just here to help and give back. a lot of people helped us when we were having a hard time, so now we are giving back. (And as you can see from my post count, I had a lot of troubles! LOL)


yeah, reach out to those women on those sites. post a flattering photo of yourself. write a light and fun profile, and make sure to send out e-mails (brief) to the ladies that you are interested in getting to know better. A few lines like, "Hi - I came accross your profile and you seem like an awesome woman. I see that you went on your last vacation to Vancouver - my brother lives there - isn't that a great city? Take care - Tipper."

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There's a lady on here who posted a few weeks ago that said she had set up a website for lesbians in Canada. I can't remember who she was? I'm sure she'd get in touch with you if you started a new posting saying 'looking for the lady who's started a lesbian group in Canada' or something like that.

Maybe that's not the correct wording.


It might be a good idea to ask a Moderator if it's ok first. I don't want you to get into any trouble.


I'm sorry I can't be anymore help.


Good luck


lol HERE I AM!

link removed

It's also for Canadian bisexual women. See you all there.

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