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Anyone ever know a liar that wouldn't confess????

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This is the worst kind of liar and I don't understand why he won't confess?! My boyfriend created a fake email and wrote to me pretending he was some guy that liked my website and wanted a platonic relationship. He was trying to bait me to see if I'd cheat on him. Anyhow, the reason I know this, is because I put a spy program on his PC and can see everything he types. Hence the name 'spygirl'. LOL. I can't tell him HOW I know he wrote it , but I said "I know this was you, it can't be anyone else." He was so angry and denied it about 50x. He was literally screaming into the phone and calling me f-ing crazy, etc. This is my boyfriend!!! Now you know why I put the trojan on his PC! I didn't feel I could trust him.

So what does this make him besides a liar? I mean, is this the worst kind of liar or what? I gave him such an easy out and said "I know this was just a joke, so admit it, its no big deal." He won't. He insists it wasn't him and we will most likely break up over this. I know,I know....for the best, blah, blah, blah...but it bothers me how someone could be so adamant and not confess when they are caught in a lie.

What are your thoughts? This ever happen to you?


BTW - If you want to know about the program I use, it's eblaster 3.0. best $99 you will EVER spend!! LOL

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Well, it sounds like he is really embarrassed and unable to admit that he was caught in the act. People get very defensive when caught doing underhanded things. I wonder how you would react if he found out how you caught him? Would you be a little embarrassed?


Honesty and truth are far more important and essential to a successful relationship then deception and vigilance. Plus it a lot easier on both of you if you can trust each other rather then having too Spy on each other, no?


Just a though. Maybe you should confess your mistakes and try to open yourselves up. What do you have to lose? You said you were going to probably break up already.

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You're asking about knowing liars? Honey, I know a liar, trust me!

My exboyfriend, who I thought was the perfect guy, who would never in his life lie or cheat on me, well, I found out at the end that he was just a big lie. When I found out about him cheating, he denied it so manyy times that I was like "stop making yourself look stupid and admit it already" The actual lying bothered more than the cheating!


Oh and I just have to say this story... well for memorial day weekend, he went to this beach that alot of people go and he ended up kissing his exgf. Well, I never knew that. So one day, I found out his ex's screen name and was reading some shit on her profile out of curiosity. Wel she has an online journal and I read it, and it said about kissing him in this beach! I was like wut the hell.


And i asked him about it over and over again. To see if he would admit it. Well he never did. So I just sent him an email with the link to her journal where it said it. He was like "shit!" and I was like "deny that now!" and I just dumped his sorry behind once and for all.


Good Luck, liars are the worse type of ppl

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