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I didn't really know where to put this problem at, i guess infidelity would be okay.

lately i've been having these dreams that i'm cheating on my boyfriend. i love him to death, and i would never give him up for anything. but when i wake up from a dream like that, it makes me feel weird, like i really have cheated on him. once i had a dream like that and started to miss being single. what's wrong with me? should i worry?

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WOW! Do you have any dream analysis books? I have some and I read a few of the results that sort of match your situation. It says that you could be dreaming this based on the person your cheating with. I guess it depends on if you know the guy your cheating with or not. If you do then it depends on how the sex is in your dream. For example in this book it talks about your situation and the woman describes how warm and safe she feels during sex with this guy. It says maybe that is what she secretly seeks in her relationship. Just a thought!

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hello badmotorfinger


Dont take dreams so literally, even dream interpretation books, dont take them literal,. sometimes they mean all the opposite.


Even the experts dont know the real meaning for humans dreaming, but it seems most all animals do it, so its a natural mechanism of the brain.


lots of thoeries abound. but i like the one that says that dreams are a way to keep active certain neurons of the brain that dont get used much, kind of like maintenance.


now, i do believe that some dreams are messages from your subconscience, but speak in a symbolical form, and not literally.

and just having a dream about cheating, doesnt mean your looking for them to manifest in real life.

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