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Urinary Tract Infection

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I think I have urinary tract infection. I checked the symptoms online and I have the main ones. Do I need to see a doctor for this, or are there over the counter medications that will take care of it. I hate going to the doctors and I am so shy if she has to do more than take a urine sample.


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Yes, definitely see a doctor, there is no over the counter cure as they are due to a bacterial infection.


You will need bactrim or another antibiotic to be prescribed to you.


To lessen the pain for now until you can get into see your doctor, you can take over the counter uristat, which will numb your urinary tract pain.


Make an appt as soon as possible as melrich brought up, it can develop into a life-threatening kidney infection.


Hugs, Rose

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The doctor will give you antibiotics to clear it up. But there's a danger of taking too many antibiotics in your lifetime, b/c you can become immune to them.


I get frequent UTIs and I take herbal supplements to strgthen my kidneys.


You should probably go to the doctor to get properly diagnosed, but be aware there are alternatives to antibiotics.


Cranberry juice is great for urinary health. Don't drink sodas or take ibuprofen, b/c those can be hard on your kidneys.

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my dad had one not to long ago woke up and he couldnt use the bathroom, but my mom bought him sum, cranberry/raspberry juice, i even thot it was good and ahd to have some, he seems ok now tho, but i agree with the last post, that does help some, so good luck never had one and hope i don't, seeya

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I get UTI's a fair amount too. I am lucky because my rarely hurt. The Doc just keeps an eye on them with my imune system clearing them up itself anyway, I only rarely have to take antibiotics. definitely catch up with your Doc, UTI's are very common and its a simple pee in a cup for some peace of mind. If you are sexually active, get them to test clymidia (sp) at the same time

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Hey there,


I have had three UTIs in my life and they are not fun at all. Yes, you need to see a doctor to clear it up. It is a bacteria infection that can be cleared up by antibiotics. In the meantime, drink a lot of cranberry juice and there is over the counter meds you can take but that will only buy you time.


Once you get to the doctor's office, a urine sample will be taken to test for the bacteria. You will most likely get prescribed antibiotics and a med for relief of the pain and burning while going to the bathroom. Do not be alarmed if that medicine turns your urine a dark orange color. It is supposed to.


You need to go to the doctors because if you let this go for two long, the infection will travel up your urinary tract and eventually cause your kidneys some trouble. It is very simple to treat. I cannot for the life of me understand how people can go weeks with a UTI, I cannot last a day. Some people are very prone to getting them but in most cases people get them, especially women through sexual activity. Ways to avoid that in the future, go to the bathroom before and after intercourse. Also, after doing number two, wipe front to back as bacteria can be passed into places it should not go.


Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

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Hey there,


Do not be alarmed if that medicine turns your urine a dark orange color. It is supposed to.





This is true about the meds changing your urine color. Actually several years ago I had an infection and the meds that are to help with the pain and burning turned the urine bluish/ purple instead of orangish.

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