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About 3 years ago I had a small crush on this girl. She was moved in front of me in class. We did some talking and some playing around, eg. hiding each other's pens etc.


Eventually she had a crush on me too. What saddened me most is I wasnt the only guy she liked. Anyway eventually the guy who she liked the most told her off about end of 2001.


So beginning of last year she lands up sitting in front of me again. So she started flirting with me majorly and gave huge signs that she liked me. I reckon she had likes me for all that time. Firstly, Im shy, secondly everything felt different. Eventually her crush one me expired (probably from me not talking enough). She probably gave up on me. I regret it completely.


Anyway now I still like her A LOT! I just feel so akward and so stupid. Make no mistake.. I've had other girls liking me a lot, but this girl really is just the best. The bad thing is I'm ONLY shy with her, no one else really.


On Thursday in the school canteen she sat next to me for about 10 minutes. We spoke a bit, but I just didnt feel the energy like it all used to be. To make matters worse, I was pretty much so speechless. Almost like i feared her.


I'd apreciate some advice from you all. thanks

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Be honest and up front with her. If you're shy, get the courage up and tell her that you've had a crush on her. Be mature about it and say it in a way that she doesn't feel like she needs to respond to it. The worst thing you can probably do is make her feel uncomfortable when you tell her.


Tell her though...this may be all that she needs to hear for you guys to be together. Girls are attracted to confident guys.

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