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I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't interact or relate with others. I go to college in the morning and either go right to the computer lab or go home and go on the computer or play videogames. Hell, I don't even think I want to be in the major I am. But will I stand up to my family that's been pressuring me? No, I just go with it. The only thing I had going for me was that I had a job, but now I'm laid off for some reason. I have no friends. I've wanted to start working out for awhile but I just have no motivation to other than getting a girl's attention, which isn't enough. All the girls go after the muscular good looking guys, not after the skinny tall guys like me. So what's the point. I'm sitting here crying right now thinking there's no reason for me to be here. I hadn't cried for years. I have no one to talk to about this.


I'm sick of being like this. Having this emo feeling all the time. Ugh.

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I think you need to be more motivated, and set goals for yourself, that way you won't feel so alone.

You should join a social group, a place where people can talk about their problems openly, or maybe join a club, like a sport you enjoy (that way you'll be working out while meeting new people).

What you really need to remember is that no matter how alone you feel your friends and family will always be there for you and love and especially god, he put you on this earth for a reason, you just need to discover what.


I think these few lines could really help you...


Hebrews 12:5-6


5.Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I wll never leave you nor forsake you."


6.So we may boldly say: "The LORD is my helper; I will not fear; What can man do to me?"

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All the girls go for the the muscular guys?! They've never been my type and I'm sure there are plenty of girls who would quite adore a tall, thin man.....many do! Sounds like a little depression. I've gone through your situation exactly, I was just unhappy with everything it seemed. I find there may already be a few things that aren't quite working in your life and that brings you down so than your outlook on everything else is very negative. Try to problem solve. Eventually things will fall into place. Don't allow your family to pressure you into a career. They're not the ones who are going to be going to that job day in, day out. Do what you really love.

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hi and welcome to enotalone.


you say that you are a student - there are so many opportunities for making friends on campus. join a club you might find interesting, whether that be a religious group, an outdoors club, or maybe even a gaming club. go to the meetings every week, even if you don't feel like it. you will make friends naturally.


in addition, I recommend you seek some counseling. I've found it helpful. there is typically free counseling for students on campus, go, and I'm sure they can give you some helpful tips also to get you out of your funk.

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Thanks for the advice. The other day I started working out for the first time. I'm just tired of feeling like a piece of crap sitting on the couch all day. I felt so much better after I went for a short run.


I'll also try and join some groups at school. There's this thing coming up on Monday and I'll try to go out of my comfort zone a little bit. It's just hard for me to talk to people I don't know. I get so nervous because I'm shy. But I'll try.


As for my major of engineering, it's just so hard to talk to my family about anything else. Everyone in my family and even extended family just seem like they're forcing this stuff on me because they are all engineers. I don't feel like doing it though.


It just seems like no girls are interested in me. I'm a decent looking guy but I'll be walking by and girls just look right through me. It makes me feel like I'm below them and how do I approach that?

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It just seems like no girls are interested in me. I'm a decent looking guy but I'll be walking by and girls just look right through me. It makes me feel like I'm below them and how do I approach that?


Just spitballin', but as a frequent computer user, I bet you've developed a natural hunch when you walk, right? Most of those who game and do work on computers do, and that 'hunch' in your walk is apparently an instant turn away for women - confidence is the major selling point, not muscles or jokes or anything like that...


Stand a little taller and have a little more confidence in yourself, and this will come with time.


Hope this helped =)

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