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Not So Fallen Anymore: My way out


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This is going to be quite brief and quick for I don't have a lot of time.


My favorite people are the ones real with thier emotions, who greet the deepest levels of honesty with honest behavior towards the dislike or like of everyday life: serious most times, silly in between. Look at the world with open eyes and your heart becomes more open too. That's the only path happiness travels in. Throw the burden off in the moment and gaze amused at this place. It's all an illusion. Might as well control your part of it, the illusion of the heart and soul- eyes and mind.


There are stepping stones to happiness

1. True honesty

2. Trust in something (yourself, a person, life or something above)

3. Giving of oneself> for example, my way of making connections when most times i cant is by putting together the things I love for those that I love.


There are stepping stones to spirituality

1. Become aware of your past growth and how you are growing now

2. Trust in something, mainly something higher which connects us all- the source of our consciousness. Trust in what is behind life and long for it to be understood

3. Make every day routines beautiful rituals in your mind

4. Smile and let strangers in, even while you are just walking by them

5. Pray out loud- this is the hardest thing to do. It really is.



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Good stuff here! Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to reading more. I don't mean this in a patronizing way, but I am seriously impressed that someone so young is discovering already such wisdom...thoughts that it can take a lot of us a lifetime to actually realize. What an exceptional young lady you must be!

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