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Questions about radiation & having kids & other

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I've posted stuff in here many times before but I don't guess I've ever thought of a question that is as serious to myself as these, and I hope that I will get many different responses so I might have something to go by! Ok here we go...

When I was 11 I had cancer in my neck and had to undergo some radiation treatments. I'm not sure how strong they were but it still worries me in my ability to have children. I'm only 17 and I don't want a child yet...but when I do want to have one or four...i wanna know if i can forsure concieve. If there is anyone out there who has undergone radiation treatments and was still able to have children please dont hesitate to respond.

My next question. My boyfriend of 2 years and I have been having sex for quite a while now, yet I have never had any problems. Lately my clit has been swollen and hurts even if i sit weird. Also I have some kind of, i guess bruising inside me but not quite so far that you can't see it. Sorry to be so graphic but really there is no other way to discribe it. I don't understand what is wrong with me and i want it to go away! So if anyone could help me in that department aswell please again dont hesitate to respond! Thanks yall!


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You should go see a doctor about both of these problems. Your fertility can probably be checked with a simple hormone profile (FSH and estradiol) but a fertility specialist may be required. Since you were so young at the time of chemo, I think that improves your chances. Since you didn't mention it, I assume you began menstruation and have normal periods after the treatment, so that is a positive sign.


Your other problem hurts me just reading about it. Go see a doctor!

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Did you have chemo or radiation treatment? I have never seen any studies that say that chemo can cause infertility. Radiation can cause problems. Radiation doesn't act like in the movies. It doesn't cause your DNA to mutate, it causes cells to die and DNA strands to unravel. Since it was on your neck and you were young I would venture to say that it shouldn't affect fertility, for it was to far away from the reproductive system and your body had time to heal before puberty. To get an absolute answer consult your doctor.

As to your other problem, I'm a guy so the only advice I can give you is see a doctor.

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Girl, you need to see a physician. He or she will understand and will not embarrass you. I worked in a cath lab before and I was under the impression that radiation will only effect you if it hits your ovaries. But I'm not sure about chemo. The genital problem is most likely an infection from intercourse. Hope everything goes well.

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