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How self-critical are you?


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The old me used to visit this forum everyday and spent hours on end reading posts, and I eventually found myself posting threads that dealt with problems that weren't really problems. But because I frequented this site so often, it sometimes made me feel like every time I had an issue, usually a very minor one, I needed to create a thread about it.. rather than letting it play out on its own. In essense, I was being pretty overly-critical of myself because I was taking every aspect of my life and turning it into a problem if it wasn't perfect.


Then at one point I took a big long break from visiting and posting on this site, and things started to change, because I didn't think of certain things as problems. And if it was a problem, I could handle it on my own.


Anyway, just curious to see if anyone else here on ENA has felt the same way before. This is a great site for getting help and support for so many things, but sometimes it is easy to get so sucked into it. So then it isn't just a support system, but a way of life.

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Yeah, ENA is a way of life for me, but it is a good way of life. I get a lot out of here. I learn a lot. I also have a lot of friends here and I enjoy bantering with them on here. If I werent on here, I would probably be out spending money, which is NOT a good thing, or I would be depressed. I have a hard time going out and making friends.


I have only begun to tear myself away from here lately because I have school two days a week and starting next week, I have clinicals too. But, when I am not in school, one can usually find me on here.


This place is good to get objective views on problems you may have. But ultimately, you should learn to solve your own problems.

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lol. Self criticism is a bad habit of mine, left over and I'm trying to kick it to the curb.

It ain't easy.


Sometimes posting here has made it worse, sometimes it has cleared it up for a while, sometimes it has simply kept my whining and aching from overloading the people in my life.


Replying helps a lot, in exposing my own weaknesses to myself (what p-os me, gets me riled up, gets me a-judging)


Sometimes it's really good to stay away and just let natural events slap me back into line, too.



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I am and always have been very hard on myself, I can not help it its what drives me. If I got to the moon my next thight would be "Rats could have done Mars"


when I came here I was all broken, bits all over the place, I know now it was lack of time with others who are like me, here I have found a group of like minds I can chat with about things.


Also it has made me rethink a lot in my life, I have cut back on time on here and thats a good thing, as I get Obsesst about things and find it hard to get rid of them.


Modaration is very hard for me.

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I am definitely my own worst critic.


I had joined a forum for single parents last summer. It became a constant circle of getting worked up. I realized that some of the things I commented about weren't a big deal and felt so much calmer when I stopped visiting it so much. I know what you mean.


I have been trying to be much more reserved and collected. With it comes calmness. But when I critique myself, sometimes it's nice to have the input of others.....

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