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The power of a kiss...

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This might sound a little strange (I'm a bit of a romantic and optimist), but...


Has anyone ever been in a situation where their ex, or significant other, said they had no more feelings for you. However, at that moment, or even days, weeks, months, years down the line (through either force or mutual consent), you landed a passionate kiss on them, and they realized they still had feelings for you afterall; that there still was a chemistry (aka sparks flew) between you?


Basically, just curious to see if there truly is power in a kiss...

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I definitely believe there is a certain power/chemistry in a kiss with certain people... even if you didn't see them for years and years, as soon as you were close enough and kissed, it would still be there because it's the chemistry from within that you both share. You don't have that with everyone... yes definitely in answer to your question.

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just thinking about when i first kissed my ex brings me back to the feeling of the butterflies from that first kiss. I only have to bring that moment to my mind, and it appears – with no clutter. And I feel all the emotions, I did when I closed my eyes, kissed her. Our relationship was new, so I tried not to be nervous as I got lost in her sweet kisses. Nothing wrong with remembering that. I always will. I think it would always be there, and that doesn't mean u should reunite...its just a nice reminder of the connection u shared. doesn't mean anything other than that.


sorry about being mushy folks.

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well, a friend of mine had a girlfriend at one time, and after not hanging out for a long time (we lived hours apart), we had one great day together. right after i left that night, he called me on my cell and confessed that he'd wanted to kiss me, and i got really excited. but then the next day he revoked, saying, "i love my girlfriend, i'm satisfied with my relationship, blah blah blah, sorry about that."


well, four months later, he made a trip to hang out with me and couldn't resist kissing ME...i didn't have to go after him. the sparks were crazy, but because of his girlfriend he had been denying his attraction to me.


it blew up in my face later, because again he went back to the girlfriend and stopped speaking to me...but then eight months later he had broken up with her, and he was knocking on my door AGAIN, and...you get the picture.


that was a long time ago, but his attraction to me is STILL there. he gave me another surprise kiss a few months ago. the funny thing is that i don't feel it for him, even though i would have liked to. (it was a month after my breakup, i could have used some romantic intrigue!)


so to answer your question, sparks were indeed reignited on my friend's end, but despite my efforts, they couldn't be reignited on mine...i'm not sure where that gets you if you're trying to propose some kind of theory.




(DISCLAIMER: i'm not proud that i kissed another girl's boyfriend, and will never do it again!)

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well...maybe the fact that he was bouncing back and forth is a big reason u did feel that way and u were looking for a romancitic thing instead of the orginal spark so your mind and heart were elsewhere...think about that...and why you would kiss him knowing that stuff....can't feel anything if you are not there in the first place darling

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as most relationships are, it was more complicated than could be summarized in a post on a forum.


for someone who has just done a lot of talking about people on the forums being judgmental, well...i don't know what to say.


i myself have reached out to you when you PM'd me a few days ago, so your responses to some of the things i've said on the board bother me.


but alas...

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This might sound a little strange (I'm a bit of a romantic and optimist), but...


Has anyone ever been in a situation where their ex, or significant other, said they had no more feelings for you. However, at that moment, or even days, weeks, months, years down the line (through either force or mutual consent), you landed a passionate kiss on them, and they realized they still had feelings for you afterall; that there still was a chemistry (aka sparks flew) between you?


Basically, just curious to see if there truly is power in a kiss...


enotalon ... i haven't read the other replies just yet but all I can say is that once you've loved someone, there is always going to be a certain connection - physical and emotional. when the EX says they don't have feelings anymore, they mean they don't have strong enough feelings to be in a long-term relationship with you anymore ... it does not mean they are not attracted to you (although it may have dropped significantly) or that they don't care about you, or even miss you a little bit ... think about it ... unless it was an absolute disaster of a relationship (abusive) do you think even a dumper absolutely committed to ending the relationship, now suddenly HATES you? not unless you abused them (physical/emotional) ....


once you meet an ex after months, years and if both of you are single (or not in a strong/committed love relationship with another person), there is a VERY good chance that one look, one loving caress, one kiss can reignite the passion ... but that does NOT mean the EX has changed their mind ... it most likely means that they are expressing the remnants of feelings that they still have towards you.

what ends up happening after this kind of hookup based on the "passionate kiss" is ... is that unless the EX already had strong feelings about getting back together (before the kiss!) they are most likely going to feel regret at the situation ...


so yes, the sparks will fly more times than not ... but in most cases that is all it will remain, just a spark with little fuel to get you home


just my thoughts ....

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In reply to the original question..


Yes sparks can fly when kissing, i truly believe that. have you seen Princess Diaries??? Where she says the man who kissed her that she loved - her foot would curl up? Well that's what i get when i've got chemistry with a guy.


If i snog someone i'm not really into- then no, kissing isn't that great. If i kiss someone - who i thought i had chemistry with, but the kissing didn't reveal any flips of the stomach, i know not to pursue that guy.


I'm a firm believer in kissing!! Love it! One of the most underated ways of expressing emotions, lust, and love.


However, i do believe what heyduh is saying 100%. You are bang on the mark, just because you're not together anymore doesn't mean you don't still fancy one another or have the spark...xx

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funny i just came along this thread. i saw my ex last night for the first time in 6 weeks.. we have been through so much together and tis like everytime we see each other sparks fly again. i had no intentions of kissing her, she is seeing someone right now and so am i. we had sushi at our place that we always go to and then went to a wine bar afterwards.. i could just tell by the look in her eyes she watned to kiss me so bad.. we kissed and it was great then we made out in my car listening to love songs it was magical...that has to be the sappiest thing i ever wrote in my life..

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It's a bit too 'Hollywood' for my liking mate....please tell me you're not thinking of doing anything silly


Ha, Major... well.... if all else has failed...


No, just kidding... I've actually considered it, but this is more of a curiosity kinda thing. I know now that it would solve nothing.

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Hey Enotalone!

Don't go there! Everytime I see my ex we end up kissing... he tells me how much he likes me... its always special and great!


But he does not want to go out with me... and a kiss does not change it. Kissing your ex can be false intimacy. Because it needs more than physical attraction to make somebody commit to you again. x

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