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Meds, cause of no orgasm?!

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I have been taking medication for depression for about a month and a half. I was wondering if it is "normal" for me not to be able to orgasm as easily as I used to.

When I am able to, it seems like it takes forever. Sometimes, when masturbating, I get so tired of trying that I have to stop.

It is so frustrating!

Sometimes porn helps, you know the sights and sounds get me going.

Any ideas?

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I had that problem when I was on Lexapro. The doc and the literature from the pharmaceutical company insisted it was a "rare" side effect with Lexapro, but the anecdotal evidence I've seen on this and other websites leads me to believe differently.


Psychotropic meds can be very useful...at times, they can be lifesavers...but, for the vast majority of people (IMO), they need to be used with caution, treated with respect, and used for the shortest amount of time necessary.

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I had that problem when I was on Lexapro. The doc and the literature from the pharmaceutical company insisted it was a "rare" side effect with Lexapro, but the anecdotal evidence I've seen on this and other websites leads me to believe differently.


Psychotropic meds can be very useful...at times, they can be lifesavers...but, for the vast majority of people (IMO), they need to be used with caution, treated with respect, and used for the shortest amount of time necessary.


LOL. "rare side effect" that 8-15% of people report (as what i saw on the website by the makers for lexapro!)


I imagine that number is even higher in real life!


pretty much most of the people I have talked to said that they have had sexual side effects with this class of medications.


and my doctor said that "only 1% of people gain weight with these drugs." which was a laugh, because even on lexapro's own website it puts the number more around 10%. (which I am sure is underreported as well.)

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Oh yeah, I didn't even mention the weight gain. I am on Remeron and Zoloft. I went to my doctor and she said, "you know, you need to lose some weight" that is when I told her that I was before I started taking the meds! She said, "well, maybe you need to talk with the psychiatrist about this" that is when i reminded her that she has never sent me to one.

I think the companies only tell you what they want you to hear. I am glad that I was able to come here and find out that I am not alone in a lot of what I am going through.

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she never sent you to a psychiatrist?


I think you should definitely ask to be referred to one. A general practitioner is good for getting antibiotics and such, but she shouldn't be prescribing anti-depressants like they are candy, without making sure that you are getting counseling or therapy.


Talk to a psychiatrist, they tend to be more up to date on anti-depressants and their side effects and which one may be the best choice for you.

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she never sent you to a psychiatrist?


I think you should definitely ask to be referred to one. A general practitioner is good for getting antibiotics and such, but she shouldn't be prescribing anti-depressants like they are candy, without making sure that you are getting counseling or therapy.


Talk to a psychiatrist, they tend to be more up to date on anti-depressants and their side effects and which one may be the best choice for you.


Well, she thought she sent me to one, but turns out she only had her MFT license. I told my doctor and she told me to call my Insurance company and they could find someone.

The problem with that is that I have severe anxiety when it comes to things like calling. I can't even pick up the phone.

I am seeing a therapist that I really enjoy working with. I have to pay her as she doesn't take my Insurance, but I'd rather pay for someone I like then go to someone I don't.

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