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families and spouses

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I think-


Parents - Coz you're indebted to them for bringing u into this world and providing for u and protecting u...


Children - U feel protective about them and feel they are helpless without u...


Sig other - The relationship is based on attraction/bonding, which then becomes love, and if that phase is gone, the love wears out?


Interesting question...

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Because family you didn't choose for any reasons - you all got landed with each other! And a great Mark Twain quote:


"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."


Love it....

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I'm actually reading all about attachment and bonding for two of my classes (I'm going into social work, specifically child welfare). It's actually very interesting. When a child is born, it craves forming attachments with its caregivers. At each age, there is a process as to how the infant and caregiver bond that is unique. I think that is why you can't just give up on your family. It's this innate bonding process that began at the beginning of life that doesn't even compare to that of a significant other. That being said, it's when the attachment process is disturbed that people form attachment issues and can't bond properly with others, even their own children.

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It's all about the bonding process that children and caretakers go through. There's this thing called the arousal/relaxation cycle where the infant cries because it needs something, the caretaker responds and meets that need, and then the infant is peaceful again. This is how the infant learns to trust and build relationships. It doesn't have to be with someone related through blood. Although when this cycle is disrupted, that's when you form attachment issues which is what you deal with often when you have older child adoption. You essentially have to go back and reparent the child with that arousal/relaxation cycle. You have to teach them that their needs can be met and through that they start to trust again.

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