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Wouldn't it be great

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in times like these, it's a good thing to look at some other happy endings.


some people were dumped, only to find the true loves of their lives a few months later! yeah, the breakup sucked at the time, but if they hadn't broken up, they wouldn't have found someone 100x beter.

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Sometimes it takes tragedy for you to wake from your rut... you may run accross what would have been the perfect match ever... but throw them away because you don't feel like trying... then again, you my be with someone who is the worst person ever for you and not realize it...


In the end though... response is past tense... who cares for a blast from the past except as an ego builder.. build your own ego...

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in times like these, it's a good thing to look at some other happy endings.


some people were dumped, only to find the true loves of their lives a few months later! yeah, the breakup sucked at the time, but if they hadn't broken up, they wouldn't have found someone 100x beter.


That's exactly what happened to me.


Broke up with my ex when I caught him cheating on me. 2 months later, I started chatting online with the guy I wound up marrying. This is a much happier and healthier relationship than the relationship with my cheating ex ever was.


if we all got some response from the ones we want back? sigh


Be careful what you wish for. My cheating ex tried to contact me about 3 years after I dumped him. He sent an email to my work email addy...how he got it, I still don't know as I moved 150 miles away, was working for a different company and using a different professional name from the last time I had spoken to him.


My ex got a response to that email he sent me.....and that response came from my husband. I can't imagine that was the type of response my ex was looking for, but it's the one he got. I meant the last words I ever said to my ex, which were "I never want to see or speak to you again."

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i'm like you, i've had little contact from the ex since the breakup. there was only some brief banter back and forth a few months ago, initiated by me for "closure" (ha, that didn't work out so well).


i think it's actually a blessing in a lot of ways. it's a clean break. you don't have to deal with the ex screwing with your head like a lot of people on this forum have had to.


i just think it's kind of nice. you have no choice but to move on. knowing that your ex won't contact you again (or at least being fairly certain) frees you up to focus on the future. no ifs, ands, or buts about it--it's over, period. that person is a thing of the past, out of your life, and can't hurt you anymore.


and trust me, it is an enormous blessing not having to navigate a "friendship" with the ex!

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