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Out on a date.. little nervous

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So I've asked a girl out whom I've know for a month and a half now and I just found out she feels the same way I do about her. I became very excited.. I really like her and her personality and... I just like everything about her. But... this is our first date. I've calmed myself down... but I'm still nervous about tonight. Since this is one of my first official dates in my life.... any pointers?


ANY and ALL help would be appreciated.

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What are you going to do? Dinner? Movie?

Like someone mentioned in another thread, make sure you have a balanced conversation. Be a good listener. Sometimes when people go out on a first date the tendency is to want to babble endlessly about yourself so the other person can see how wonderful you are, but that can be dreadfully boring to the other person. Don't babble. Ask some general questions. Don't talk about past relationships unless she asks you about them.


Most importantly, relax, be yourself and have a nice time. If you get all worked up and jittery, she'll notice and may be uncomfortable.

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Yes, keep calm. Try to be a little aloof, don't wear your excitement or heart on your sleeve. And make lots of eye contact with her, when she is talking your eyes should be on her face. As she finishes what she is saying, look right at her eyes and hold it for a moment when she is done.


Where are you going? What are you doing? You should have a plan and execute on that plan.

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Well, I think what most guys are scared of when approaching a date is "what to talk about"...no joke, it's so common, I am scared for this reason alone (even though I had a 45minute conversation with a friend today while having lunch.....anyway..)

Well, ask her questions, but not questions that have a negative connotation..what I mean is don't ask her things like "what happened in her last relationship" "how was her last relationship" "where is her ex now" "why do you feel so down on yourself all the time" things like that....and as you notice, I tend to point out the EX or past relationships, because surprisingly, MANY people talk about that on their first date, and it's a big no no..


You don't want to talk about negatives, you wanna have a great time, you wanna be smiling, flirting, having a ball of a time, and you want to make her want to come back for more, now...later on when you are more involved with her, you can talk about her past and your past...but never on the first few dates..NEVER, no way! horrible! it's not fun!


So, my advice..be confident, show your confidence, walk with confidence, talk with confidence, be a man, it'll shine, I don't mean intimidate her, or appear cocky by sticking your chest our and flexing your biceps...people who walk with confidence are people who walk with their heads held up, not down, they walk with a straighter posture, not a hunched posture, their body language is open (arms by sides, swinging like normal..) rather than closed (folded arms, or hands in pockets..of course, hands in your jacket pockets is fine if it's cold...and if she's cold, definitely hand her your jacket, lol, so...be courteous, be a gentleman.


Anyway, I have to go now, hope it goes well.

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This is similar to what the other posters have mentioned in their threads . . .


My advice would be that try to be a good listener and genuinely interested in what she has to say. Find out some common interets between you guys. Try to resist the urge of talking about yourself all the time. And DON'T try to act macho! lol I hate it when guys do that . . . like when they try too hard to impress you. Also, I'm a big sucker for chivalry!

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Well... That went well...


We ordered pasta entree. We spoke all night. I made her blush several times while I stared into her eyes. We shared a dessert. We both had a lot of fun, but she had to go to work.


She... held my hand while I walked her to the bus stop. We stopped and talked for a while before her bus came. She... kissed me sweetly on the lips before the lips before she left. That was awesome... Oh look she's online now.


Uh... it went VERY well

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