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Then life would be pretty boring and not worth living because you would know what was going to happen so you would just have to sit back. BLAH.



I see your point, but there could actually be two sides to that coin. Sometimes knowing what is going to happen would give us time for preparation for the more negative aspects of life .


I have been on both sides of situations , good and bad. If possible , there would have been times that I would have preferred to know what was ahead in life, but on the other hand there are times that I would prefer to let nature take its course without any prior knowledge of the events to come .

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I see your point, but there could actually be two sides to that coin. Sometimes knowing what is going to happen would give us time for preparation for the more negative aspects of life .


I have been on both sides of situations , good and bad. If possible , there would have been times that I would have preferred to know what was ahead in life, but on the other hand there are times that I would prefer to let nature take its course without any prior knowledge of the events to come .



But you are missing the point. If your life is dictated by destiny to the point that you would be able to know everything that was going to happen with 100% accuracy then your feeling would also be dictated by destiny. You would have no free will and thus no control over how you react, prepare, feel etc.

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Wouldn't it be great if it were that easy to have someone tell us "who, what , when, and where" on everthing in life.???

That would suck! Just imagine how boring that would be...


Do you get excited every time you breath? Nope, cause you know its gonna happen and it always has.

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whoa icemotoboy u are sooo cute!!!...lol but i hav 2 disagree with u reallli like this guy that i've liked for like A LOOONG time now! and that is sooo not cool!!!! i saw him again on the bus yesterday and we talked and he was being sooooooooo sweet that i fell for him all over again!!! He won't admit that he liked me when more than a few people told me that he did!! i wanna kno how he feels about me and if he has actually liked me before when he said he did and stuff like that...i almost love this kid

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i saw him again on the bus yesterday and we talked and he was being sooooooooo sweet that i fell for him all over again!!!

Effect: You are falling for this guy again

Cause: You talked too him

Problem: He doesn't like you


He won't admit that he liked me when more than a few people told me that he did!!

Who cares what the people said. What matters is largely what he does, and to a lesser extent what he says.


i wanna kno how he feels about me and if he has actually liked me before when he said he did and stuff like that...i almost love this kid

So ask him. If you have, and he says no, then that is your answer. You don't need to use a "pyschic", you simply need to use the english language. If you already have the answer from him, and it sounds like you do, then you need to look at the "cause, effect, problem" statement that I put above.


To remove the effect, you remove the cause. You cannot change the problem because that is outside your control. But you can remove the cause. Don't talk to him, the effect will not occur, and you will cease to have a problem.

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hey icemotoboy...but he DID like me!!!! i know that he did!!!! wanna know why????????????????????/ ...he used to sit there and stare at me the way that i stared at him ...lol if a guy isn't interested in a girl would he do that??...and he used to wave to me whenever he saw me!!! ...i also got a girl to talk to him for me and when she talked to him she said "do u like her?" and HE said "yeah, she's hot" ...AND he asked me for my number!!!! but didn't call i just think he's too shy to admit it because he was reallllly shy when i first talked to him!!!! he BARELY said a word to me...cuz the first time i talked to him i was standing at the front of work when he walked in and i said "hey! wutz up!?!" and he jus gave me a real scared look and didn't say anything...he just walked past me lol ...then before he left he quickly said "k ..cya" ...if that's not shy, i dunno wut is ...so you CAN'T tell me that he didn't like me cuz thas enough evidence!!!!!!!!!!! don't you think?????????????

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