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Erotic Armpit Smelling~~~Is it a sign?

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I like this girl for a long time..., and she is my best friend...., but the problem is she has a boyfriend.... So one day I was sitting in the car with her while her boyfriend is out to get something from his house...., and she told me her armpit smells bad...., and she let me to smell it. I didn't smell anything that's really bad(just some sweat smell), but ....this incidence make me feel like she likes me. After all..., no girl would let any guy to "smell" their "cute" armpit..., it's just too embarrassing..., and she did that to me, and the other day she show her unshaved armpit to me(only about 3 days). Does all this body language means she has some intrest in me or just because I am her best friend she trusted in me that I wouldn't do anyting "bad" about it..., like writing....a request of advice about it... Plz leave some opinions, THx

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very, very interesting and unique.

I think everyone is different in how they show his/her interest. But, from what I can tell, I think this is a sign of trust, something that exists between close friends. I'm basing this soley on the fact that she asked you something that didn't necessarily flatter herself.


I can't be sure though. Anyone else?

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I think it is a sign of trust also...she trusts that you won't get grossed out or tell someone about it or tell someone that she smells nasty lol. However, I think that is a very strange way to show someone you trust them. I would never ask anyone to smell my armpit! Frankly, if I were you I would have been freaked out!

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Are there any other signs? Clearly you are starting to form feelings for her or at least acknowledge the possibility. If not, then you wouldn't even be thinking such things. If this is the only thing that makes you think this, then I wouldn't say it's anything. I agree with Seraph, this is a sign of trust first and foremost. Which doesn't mean she isn't interested, just that she trusts you. Any other signs?

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Everytime i got a sign, I came here and post it out.....(Last time she, the same girl, was sucking my finger~), and it's very intresting to hear everyone's opinion..But I guess this time she is just showing me that she trusts me...At least I learned something... Anyway...thx guys for helping me out...

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Armpits, despite your apparent infactuation are not a popular "erotic" body part. She clearly is not trying to win your attention by the smell of her sweat but its awesome that she feels comfortable enough with you to let you in on something like that. I doubt she'd do that to her boyfriend, partially because it isnt usually a turn-on to smell some ones perspiration. It is even possible that she recognizes your loyal admiration and wished to differ it back to a friendship level by doing something commonly considered repulsive.

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