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please help! what do you think i should do?

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Hi guys, to put it in a nutshell, I had a date with this one guy it went fantastic.....there was a good connection between us.....since i dont live closeby he even asked to keep my hair tie. On our date we were bored so we took a ton of pictures and he told me to send them to him because he wanted to put a picture of me up on his myspace saying 'all mine' .....the next day he even sent me a text message saying 'i miss you', in a phone conversation he had said that he had even told his mother about me! On the date he had told me i was the most beautiful girl he had met and he loved my personality.......the last time i talked to him on the phone was Friday....it has been almost 3 days since he has contacted me and I have called left a voicemail and sent two text messages to his phone. I don't plan on bothering him until he contacts me because I dont want to seem too pushy....but this is seriously killing me because I want to talk to him soooo bad! Before I had met him, I had done a little research on his zodiac sign....which is a scorpio...and apparently they like to play hard to get. I don't know if thats right, I don't even know if it even matters! Any suggestions on how to handle this situation? .....its really frustrating!!! thanks!!

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Woah! All that after one date! Jeez! What the hell were you WEARING? Whatever it was, you should package it and sell it!


Theres a ton of reasons why he legitimately might not have contacted you. But for me, my gut says that anything that happens that fast is a bit of a red flag.


Do you know any of his friends?

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I was wearing a cute zip up hoodie and jeans......nothing too extravagent....I met him online.....we're both the same ethnic background (and im picky) so im the type that doesnt care if i have to travel for a relationship....we met up halfway for the date. So no, i dont know his friends. He had pulled another one of these ignoring me for a couple of days before I had met him too. Maybe its just the way he works? I dont know.

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Well, he sounds a little bit too keen too quickly, to be honest. And not being horrible, but if your date went so well, how come you also said "we were bored so we took a ton of pictures"? Bit confused there, sorry.


Anyway, if you met online, isn't there a chance that you can catch up with him when he's on messenger next, so you can be casual? Otherwise, to be honest, I would just chalk it up to experience and move on. He just sounds too over-enthusiastic and then nothing at all, which I would find really frustrating to be honest.


On the other hand, just to say that three days without contact isn't that long either - could be a whole range of reasons, so maybe he'll be in touch i the next few days.


Good luck!

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It seems he plays the yo-yo game,


Oh "you are the greatest most fantastic woman",


Then wham, he disappears,


It's way too early for him to already be so in love with you,


That worries me that it could develop into this great honeymoon period,


And come crashing down,


Always be cautious of those who come on too strong early on,


And then pull away quickly,


Likely they are commitment phobes,


Who get close and pull away just as fast,





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