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they say Love is easy

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Love is not easy it take work to get and to keep. When things brake the only thing that you can do is keep going. Just one step at a time. Some time in are lives it will get good but there is the downs too. That is why it is called life.

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Love is not easy....love is not just feeling, it is action. Sometimes, even when you feel less "in love" you have to do the actions of love, to recreate and nourish the love itself.


That being said, love should also not be overwhelmingly DIFFICULT to maintain - it should not feel forced. You should BOTH be committed equally to nourishing and building the love and the relationship. If it becomes too much of one person doing it all, it's very unbalanced and probably not going to work in the long run, or be very healthy for either of you.

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Love isn't easy for anyone and never will be.

In the past 3 months I've had so many struggles with my boyfriend, I've had so many emotions and tears but I think through it all, the pain is worth it, especially when you're in love. Now we are in a really good spot in our relationship, we've grown really tight and can't get enough of each other and I'm really thankful I didn't decide to give up on him when I going got rough because now we think the world of each other and it's a wonderful feeling

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