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Oral - STD's ?


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No no the thing is can two people that have never had sex or oral sex can get a std? That is the question. Yes you can get std's form oral sex, BUT not if you guys never where exposed to std's in the first place.


That would be true but he cant be so sure she is telling the truth. She could be a 'virgin' technically yet have had oral sex before.

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No no the thing is can two people that have never had sex or oral sex can get a std? That is the question. Yes you can get std's form oral sex, BUT not if you guys never where exposed to std's in the first place.


It's important to note that some STI's are transmitted by 'intimate contact' as well- which does not require any type of sex, only. Examples are syphillis, herpes, crabs, & scabies. There is potential for others to be transmitted this way as well, but not as likely as the above STI's.


Either way, it's important before getting intimate with someone that you know their sexual history, and that you are protected. Testing is a must as well.

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Some STI's are transmitted through skin to skin contact (such as genital warts), or kissing (such as herpes viruses), or oral sex for example. Some STI's can even be transmitted during childbirth! So even if you are technically virgins, it is possible to have an STI infection from these or other acts.


I know a girl whom got an STI in her throat (actually gonorrhea) from oral sex, even though both of them were technically virgins.

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Dental dams!!! Think I would skip oral in that case!





You and your boyfriend are virgins but you still need to practice safe sex.I wouldn't take any risk PERIOD.How about buying flavor condoms and dental dams.They have chocolate,grape,strawberry,banana,cherry flavors.

I'm a virgin myself and i puchase some favor condoms

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