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I want to die

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Okay, first thing to do is you have to BREATHE... it's ONLY seems like the end of your world, but it is NOT... you are going to be okay.. The most important thing to do for today, is cry your eyes out, and do NOT contact him at all...just for today, and keep writing it out here on this site, all your feelings, just get them out but do NOT contact him... let him have some space to LIVE with what he has chosen to do...okay? Can you let it go for today and just cry and feel sad, just for today? We've all been through this, you are NOT alone...

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yes, I know how you feel, it takes so much courage to face the sadness, but once we climb the hill of pain, the joy is waiting for us. You will be upset, sad, but you will survive it and be stronger for it, I know it's not what you want to hear, but tell me a few things, how long did you two go out, was it your first love?

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Rose is right. Take care of YOU right now, feel your pain, cry, weep, scream in the shower, and each day you will start to get "yourself" back... just one day at a time, just for today say to yourself, "I have the courage to face this bit of sadness just for today, I will be okay".

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I know, I know, we do tend to torture ourselves with those kind of "thoughts" but that is all they are, I promise that is NOT happening... and by the way someday YOU will be making love to someone else... try thinking about that.. I know right now it seems impossible to get beyond this pain, so for today, don't try to get beyond it, just feel it... be proud of yourself for NOT calling him.. you are choosing to have self respect and be classy enough to "let go" just for today, you can only do this one day at a time... okay?


I felt just like you, I never thought I'd ever even smile again.. I cried and cried, and cried... it's the best thing to do, curl up in your bed and cry your eyes out, is there anyone at home whom you can talk to?


If not, just keep talking here.... this is tough after 3 and half years, believe me HE WON"T FORGET you, especially if right now you CHOOSE to stay away, do NOT call him... give it some time.... YOU are special, give him time to miss you.... just for today.... who knows what the future holds, we just don't know, so choose to have the self respect to feel your pain and let it go for today... I promise things will get better, I've been through the exact same thing, I felt like I was walking through cement... ugh.. I know how you feel...

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Well, I happen to believe that he REALLY DID LOVE YOU AND HE STILL DOES, he just doesn't want IT right now, the IT being a "relationship" he's young, you're young, please don't think that he didn't love you or that he doesn't, he probably loves you deeply but he's young and so are you and sometimes we have to love somebody enough to let them go... for awhile.. just for today..

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Awww sweetie I'm so sorry! I wish I could hug you right now because I know exactly how you feel. This has happened to me I don't even know how many times....I'd feel like I seriously wanted to just sleep forever. I felt so alone and like I didn't have anyone because I devoted all my time to my loser boyfriend. But I promise honey things WILL get better. I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna hurt and it will be nearly impossible to think positive for at least a couple weeks, but better days will come! God never puts us in situations that we can not handle!!!! Stay strong hun!



"I do hope you're able to realize that even though things look cloudy right now, they'll get better soon. Just remember that it takes rain to make rainbows, lemons to make lemonade, and sometimes it takes difficulties to make us stronger and better people. If you hang in there, you will see that the sun will shine again soon...you'll see"

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, sometimes we have to love somebody enough to let them go... for awhile.. just for today..


Blender is soo right! You are doing the right thing by not calling him, you need to take this time to lean on friends and family, not him. I have been in a similar situation and I know the pain you are feeling. I thought I would never get through the crying jags and depression, so many people on this board helped to support me, and I know we can all help to support you get through this.


Keep posting on this board whenever you feel you need to vent. Whatever you do don't contact him. You never know what the future holds and he needs to realize what he's missing and you need to realize how truly strong you are by allowing yourself to feel this pain and then begin the process of healing yourself. You are your main priority right now.


You are going to become a stronger person after this experience, I promise.


Hugs to you!

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Hey Shoebaby,


I'm sorry you are having a tough time right now, ((HUGS)).


Breakups are never easy, and always painful. It doesn't seem fair, does it?


Honey, NO MAN is worth taking your life over. You are worth MUCH MORE THAN THAT... and if he cannot see that, it is HIS loss, not yours.


It's OK to feel sad and feel pain, let that flow and go through it. Allow yourself to grieve, it was a long relationship and of course it is going to take some time to heal from this.


We are here for you, honey.

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I don't want to call him because I feel like a loser, I begged him to stay and he won't


Don't feel like a loser, you were doing what was in your heart, and now you can rest assured that he knows how strongly you feel about him.


Now the goal is to let him go and allow him to miss you and how supportive you were, all the while working on yourself and deciding what can make you happy.

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Hi there

just want to say that every decision you've made it has been with a reason

if you didn't do something you afterwards think you better did it, it would have been with a reason (b/c you were not sure about something, not ready for something, with something else in your mind,..) so for that moment, you made the right decision

maybe religion could give you a little help as well: when one person doesn't really apreciate your being together, then it could be better to use your energie spending in helping more people who dó apreciate it.

I hope you will feel better

Please realise you're not alone and that the fault isn't (fully) at one side..

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maybe if I wouldn't have asked him about the stupid text message I read this wouldn't have happened, my phone died so I used his and he said the text was not from anyone he knew, I should have believed him. I should have never used his phone. I just want to be someone else, I hate my life.

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Look, dying for a noble cause is one thing but for a failed relationship? Come on! Do you know how many failed a horrific relationships I've had? Life isn't something you just turn off like a light switch. Do sleeping pills hurt...no...but when you choke to death and die in your own puke...yes it's the same as drowning. Not a good way to go. As a matter of fact the best way to go is old age, try it! You have no idea what is in store for you 6 months, a year or 5 years down the road for you. Ending your life over a guy is a really bad idea. Are you trying to hurt him? Do you think he will never date again because you ended your life over him? Get over him and find someone who will love you, then your ex will regret losing you. Be strong and focus on getting better.



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Look, dying for a noble cause is one thing but for a failed relationship? Come on! Do you know how many failed a horrific relationships I've had? Life isn't something you just turn off like a light switch. Do sleeping pills hurt...no...but when you choke to death and die in your own puke...yes it's the same as drowning. Not a good way to go. As a matter of fact the best way to go is old age, try it! You have no idea what is in store for you 6 months, a year or 5 years down the road for you. Ending your life over a guy is a really bad idea. Are you trying to hurt him? Do you think he will never date again because you ended your life over him? Get over him and find someone who will love you, then your ex will regret losing you. Be strong and focus on getting better.


all i gotta say is, i completely second all of what he just said.


most of us know what kind of pain you are in. we have been there, or for some of us, we still ARE there. i know i still have days when i don't want to be around anymore. but the thing is, i'd never kill myself. i'd never kill myself for this loser who left me, because i don't want him to keep me from marrying my future husband and having my future children and getting my awesome future job. no one who leaves you is worth forfeiting what will come to you for the rest of your life. don't you want to see your children? your grandchildren? i mean, god, don't you want to live another day for your mom and dad, who have loved you all your life and still do?


just hang on. he's barely worth your tears, he's not worth painful death.

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