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Faithfull forever.YEA RIGHT Whats that?

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I have no faith in relationships.I have met to many people that cheat or want to cheat.Theres no such thing as 100% commitment.I have been hit on or had sexual advances made from people that you would not expect it from.Most people i know dont know what it means to be faithfull.This is just me and my expierence but do you not think shows like Sex in the city,soap operas or all these other shows that show people its normal to cheat its common,everyone is doing it,theres more out there etc etc..I think society has gone to cra p.Am i the only one that believes this.Pessimistic i think not.

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There is lots of "cheating" going on in the world. It is a fact, the workld had changed so much and is so small now. There are more opportunities to meet people than ever before and culturally the ground has shifted a bit.


But it is not all that bad. I still know plenty of people that don't and would not be likely to cheat. Nothing is 100% certain when you are talking about human behaviours so there are never any guarrantees.

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"but do you not think shows like Sex in the city,soap operas or all these other shows that show people its normal to cheat its common,everyone is doing it,theres more out there etc etc"


I'm a firm believer that art imitates life, not the other way around. In this case, the problems you are having with society were prevalent prior to the show's existence.

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OK, this may sound idiotic but in my expirience this goes like this:

27% close male friends cheat (3/11)

57% close female friends cheat (4/7)




My theory is based on folowing facts:

-Males dont look soap operas as females do

-What you see vile you are young and naive traces you and molds your personality

-Music that encourages cheating and having "friendly" sex


So this means: Females are more prone to cheating (instead of popular thought that males are the ones) becouse they watch all those soap operas as kids and at some point in lif......


OK I totaly fliped right now... If anyone else wants to finish this plese be my guest... Its full 'o bugs and darts... And its sexist... Sorry to all that may be hurt by it... This is just info based on my relatively close friends...

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OK, can I point out that your example has no actual validity? Your relatively close personal friends are not an accurate sample of society in it's entirety. Also, you cannot blame media for people's actions. Parenting and environment play a larger role in developing someone's character. It is when these factors fail someone that media has a larger influence.


You cannot assume that females or males will cheat based on what they watch or listen to. I happen to love soap operas and Sex and the City, however I also realize that it's TV and not reality. I consider myself to be extremely loyal and faithful. Also...women and men are exposed to the same media so that cannot account for the difference. They listen to the same music growing up. Sure, men may not watch soap operas, but they do watch movies that center around sex and half naked women. Wouldn't it have the same effect?

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Everyone experiences temptation - wanting to cheat is not a problem unless the person who wants to acts on it. with the internet, people have expanded the definition of adultery and cheating to include cybersex, and e-mailing romantically, etc. Whle I agree that can be disrespectful, tacky, inappropriate, etc it is certainly not "adultery" and query whether that is truly "cheating." It would not be ok with me but I wouldn't call it cheating.


Luckily, I am not pessimistic as I know many people in long term committed relationships who are faithful.

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Today's society! Ooohhh I could definitely go into a rant and rave about this. Cheating and divorce have become acceptable in today's society.


Like that new song "Unfaithful." It was at the top of the charts this past week. I heard that and thought to myself "Why is this song at the top of the charts? Everyone loves a song that talks about a girl feeling bad because she continuously cheats on her hubby?" Terrible!


It seems like less people are willing to commit. They want everything to be perfect and give in to temptation.


There are still people that know what commitment means and can be faithful. You just have to be careful.

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