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Sex and relationships?

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Hi all!


I have some questions regarding sex. Im a newbie at sex (well still a virgin, but Im thinking of having it with my boyfriend).


How far in the relationship did you have sex with your partner/ex?


Is there such a thing as having sex too early in a relationship?...Would it make the other person think differently.


I love my boyfriend and all, but due to past relationships Im scared Its not real, Ive never been treated so well etc and Im scared if he only wants sex. Deep down inside my heart I know it cant be true becuase my boyfriend said he doesnt care if we have sex or not becuase he really loves me and is happy just to be with me. I really dont know. Can anyone shed some light?

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yes especially if your a virigin, wait till your relationship is strong and don't just go right into it b/c you feel pressured to do so etc.. If it's too early it can ruin a relationship b/c it doesn't have a strong foundation. Never have sex b/c you want to make the other person happy either or to make the relationship work. Sex isn't everything.



how long have you been going out for? if he really loves you you won't pressure you into sex until your ready and you both want to share the experience. I'm glad to hear that your bf says no matter if you have sex or not he'll still be with you. That's very good!!

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yeh, I guess so. Ive ALWAYS thought I would wait til marriage, however since meeting my boyfriend I have sorta changed my mind. I havent felt like this for anyone before. I know if we part I will crumble, so I better be cautious and make sure its for real before getting too emotionally involued...right?

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It's up to you, and you're an adult and all. But I get the feeling part of it is that you feel the need to get it over with, so to speak, and my opinion is that's not a good enough reason you know...if that's the case. But if and when you all do just be sure to use protection. That way you won't have to be worrying about pregnancy and STDs and all that. I know that's kind of obvious, but be sure to use it.

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iamteddybearfeelmecuddle is giving you some very,very good advice.I'm a 36 year old virgin and i think you should slow down and wait.You're young (20)and it sounds like this is your first "real" relationship. A virgin in her first relationship alway think this is the "One" to lose their virginity too.

lost_status get to know this man fully and completely because if the relationship is strong.You and your boyfriend will have intercourse if he is the real one.Oh another thing some men do pressure virgin women into having sex before they are ready to have sex.Some men say oh it doesn't matter if we have sex or i'll leave if we don't have sex.I hope you don't fall foir the pressure.Good luck.

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I agree with the others. I think it's important to wait in a relationship. It can really hurt the relationship if you do it too soon. I mean, it's good you were friends for 2 years, but you have only been committed to each other for 1 month. And that's not long at all in my opinion..


Me and my boyfriend waited 1 1/2 years. I know that's a long time, but I have no regrets at all. If you are doubting sex at this point, for any reason, it's always better to wait.


Besides, you know you have a good guy when he says he will wait for you. Take advantage of the fact that he's willing to wait til you are ready!

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