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I feel just lousy.


It's been two months post-break up and a month since the last time we had any contact at all. I thought I was doing all of the right things after the break up. After the first few days I initiated NC... until she started playing games. The eventually led up to me telling her to find somebody else to play games with.


Shortly after that I left for training. It took me away from home, put me into a new enviornment, new challenges that kept my mind off her and off the breakup. For the first time since then I felt really good. When I got home I felt bad... Didn't want to be home. I decided that I wanted to go back into the Navy full-time (or pursue another career opp).


Since being home the job fell through, and is outof the question for a while. It's been difficult trying to get myself back into the Navy (a bad headache really). I've tried "dating" again, but I'm turning into the guy I was before I met my ex- and I just don't want to do that. And going into the Navy is my excuse for leaving that lifestyle alone.


I thought I was doing so good. I guess since nearly all of my plans for moving on are falling through I'm starting to feel like crap. I had a plan before I met my ex, I had a plan when I met my ex, and now the execution of it is all fouled up. Plan A, B, and C aren't working... or fast enough.


I guess I just needed a medium to express myself. It's not like I can call her anyway (deleted her phone number- and I don't know it by heart).


Just venting.

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i'm so sorry things aren't working out for you. i'm sure it's difficult to have your romantic life and your work life crash at around the same time. i really hope you find another career path, or hobby, or something else constructive that gets your mind off your ex. i think that's the best thing you can hope for right now.


perhaps the rejection from your ex and this job rejection will lead you to something even better...

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Keep plugging at NCtuskie, you can get through this. You did bootcamp.

Stay ON the Navy if that is what is want, if it isn't, figure out what it is you do want and go get it. (the ex does not count here) Don't stop until you get there, no looking back if you can help it. Stay as busy as you can.

Take good care. (glad you were a little better so quickly, same thing happened to me yesterday after posting, I guess I just needed to get something out...)

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