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Yeah, your so right, I have done this & have no longer raised the subject. I appreciate his privacy, DN has helped me see this from a man's point of view. I don't have a history or past I need to hide so it was difficult for me to understand why my husband needed to keep things private from me. I understand that sometimes people do keep things private especially if it's a sore subject....the less I poke into his past the more he's going to respect me & want to be honest with me as you say....thanks for your comment.

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i'm glad your putting it aside. Some people don't want to be reminded of the past ( if it's hurtful or they are trying to get over it) so they rather not tell. He's catholic too and so is his family. It would be very shameful to the family if people started to hear about what happened. I'm guessing that's why they want it to be a secret. At this private school in our area, a girl from an all-girls school got pregnant and she did get kicked out b/c the school found out. It's a strict catholic school. Some things are best left in the past until they are ready to be shared.

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