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self inducion


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Hello how is everyone doing today?

well I am at 41.3 weeks into this pregnancy and I cant wait to see my baby! how ever I am past term and my doc wants to induce it, but I really dont want to have "water broken" or have pitocin, my mother had such a horrible experience with this.

what is save to do at home that might get labor started? i have tryed spicy foods and pinnaple but not luck

thanks for the help

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actually, my mom induced labor early, because she was getting sick of her mother in law visiting (because my grandmother wouldn't go home until I was born).


I don't want to tell you though what she did, because it was dangerous. She made me come 3 weeks early.


just do what the doctors tell you to. maybe go out for italian food? spicy meatballs?

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LOL, he does seem to like it in there! it must be warm!

I am going to try the walking and the sex... I am just so scared of the whole "idea" of inducion!

thank you all for the help!

hmmm I love sparagus! yummy! well atleast I have an excuse to hit all the mexican and Italian restauratns.

My doc just thinks inducion is better im not getting any ideas from him

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Cod liver oil. My sister drank a bottle of it when she was a week overdue with my nephew and went into labor a few hours later.



Not safe, please dont do that,,,,,, please.



Truthfully? I had a friend that was moving and all day I rode around in a UHaul helping them move, no I didnt lift anything but I was helping her pack up boxes and just along for the ride. That night I went into labor. I think it was the bumpy ride that you get in those things that did it... LOL

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Raspberry tea stimulates the uterine walls to contract, nipple stimulation makes the body produce pitocin naturally, and believe it or not, a lukewarm enema causes the rectum to contract. The cervix bulges slightly into the ano-rectal canal and the tightening of it will cause the cervix to thin slighlty and on the plus side it cuts down on embarrassing poopy accidents while in labor...


Good luck!

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Hello everyone

Thank you so much for the suggestions, today I tyed the spicy meatballs, some sex and walking.. so far not even a camp! lol

but I tomorrow the menu looks interesting... some fry chicken, some packing of my old clothes and sex.. well see!

ill keep you all posted!

thanks so much for the help

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I had horrible induction experiences. I would suggest getting your water broke if they can (they couldn't with me and I was just on Pitocin for hours and hours with no progress)


anyway, my second started after I ate a lot of black olives, apparently eating something that gives you gas can start things moving.


sex is always a good one, playing with your nipples, apparently there is a hormone that gets sent out when you orgasm that is similiar to pitocin.....you might try that, it could be fun!

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